BuffVisuals id(s): ignited, righteous_fire, righteous_fire_sacrifice, righteous_fire_celestial, righteous_fire_harbinger, righteous_fire_aura, righteous_fire_aura_no_hands, righteous_fire_aura_sacrifice, righteous_fire_aura_celestial, righteous_fire_aura_harbinger, righteous_fire_aura_harbinger_no_hands, righteous_fire_aura_celestial_no_hands, demon_righteous_fire, demon_righteous_fire_aura, fire_weapon, fuse_arrow_orb, searing_bond_in_beam, bloodlines_cult_elements_fire, ignited_white, ignited_blue, ignited_stygian, ignited_corsair, ignited_blackflame, righteous_fire_white, righteous_fire_aura_white, righteous_fire_white_no_light, ghost_fire, righteous_lightning, righteous_lightning_aura, lava_aura_ignited, remove_covered_in_spiders, izaro_fire_conversion_buff_1, goddess_beam, shaper_immune, shaper_immune_large, shaper_beam, zana_immune_buff, avarius_beam_damage, tukohama_shield, beyond_host, abberath_shaman_buff, uber_elder_immune_buff, uber_shaper_immune_buff, ignited_sin, ignited_damage_increase, ignited_holy, ignited_empyrean, support_burning_minion, support_burning_minion_spectre, support_burning_minion_aura, ignited_polaris_white, ignited_glimmerwood, harvest_crab_screech_buff, ignited_nightfall, ignited_polaris_black, ignited_demonic, corpse_walk_corpse_fade_out, ground_oil_burning, ground_oil_as_tar_burning, ignited_despair, ignite_unique_blackflame, righteous_fire_lightbringer, righteous_fire_aura_lightbringer, righteous_fire_aura_lightbringer_no_hands, ignited_holy_stygian, ignited_celestial, ignited_voidemperor, ignited_celestial_consecrated_path, ignited_void_emperor, expedition_medved_heal_cultist, expedition_medved_enrage_cultist, expedition_medved_heal_permanent_buff, expedition_medved_enrage_permanent_buff, expedition_medved_explode_permanent_buff, ignited_mystic, ignited_direblade, ignited_oblivion, ignited_onyxoblivion, ignited_auspicious, ignited_demonicraging, ignited_meteor_shower, ignited_oblivion_fire_trap, ignited_battle_pass_legacy_of_fury, righteous_fire_transcendence, righteous_fire_aura_transcendence, righteous_fire_aura_transcendence_no_hands, ignited_sunprism, sanctum_fire_beam, ignited_rolling_storm, fallen_god_minion_buff_1, fallen_god_minion_buff_2, fallen_god_minion_buff_3, fallen_god_minion_buff_4, fallen_god_minion_buff_5, fallen_god_heal_buff_on_minion, fallen_god_heal_buff_on_self, essiepaulius_slow_orb_aura, tempest_bell_ignited, ignite_proliferation_aura, treasure_vault_lava, vaal_humanoid_cannon_fire_ground, demon_claw_blackflame_ignite, demon_claw_boss_beam
Debuff inflicts [Fire] damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: ignited
You are Immune to Damage
BuffDefinitions id: flask_immune_to_damage
You're on fire
BuffDefinitions id: additional_ignite
You are taking fire damage over time from Maven's Orb
BuffDefinitions id: maven_orb_degenzone
The Great Eye approaches. The flames nip at your heels.
BuffDefinitions id: touch_of_fire
You take burning damage, deal burning damage to those around you.
BuffDefinitions id: righteous_fire
You deal more spell damage.
BuffDefinitions id: vaal_righteous_fire_duration
You take burning damage, deal burning damage to those around you, and have increased spell damage.
BuffDefinitions id: avatar_righteous_fire
You are taking burning damage from being near an enemy using Righteous Fire
BuffDefinitions id: righteous_fire_aura
You are taking burning damage from being near an enemy using Vaal Righteous Fire
BuffDefinitions id: vaal_righteous_fire_duration_aura
You are taking burning damage from being near an enemy using Righteous Fire
BuffDefinitions id: avatar_righteous_fire_aura
You take burning damage, deal burning damage to those around you.
BuffDefinitions id: demon_righteous_fire
You are taking burning damage from being near an enemy using Unrighteous Fire
BuffDefinitions id: demon_righteous_fire_aura
Your weapon does additional fire damage
BuffDefinitions id: fire_weapon
You're going to go boom
BuffDefinitions id: fuse_arrow_orb
You're going to go boom
BuffDefinitions id: explosive_arrow
You're taking Burning Damage from a Searing Bond skill
BuffDefinitions id: searing_bond_in_beam
You are taking burning damage while standing in the burning aura
BuffDefinitions id: monster_aura_burning
You deal lightning damage to those around you, while draining your mana.
BuffDefinitions id: righteous_lightning
You are taking lightning damage from being near an enemy using Righteous Lightning
BuffDefinitions id: righteous_lightning_aura
ES normal/cruel/merciless, Life normal/cruel/merciless
BuffDefinitions id: labyrinth_lava_aura
You are burning spiders and taking Fire Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: remove_covered_in_spiders
You are taking Burning Damage
BuffDefinitions id: goddess_beam
BuffDefinitions id: shaper_beam
BuffDefinitions id: zana_immune_buff
You are taking fire damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: avarius_divine_beam_damage
You are taking fire damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: machinarium_fire_beam_damage
You are taking fire damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: sunworshipper_fire_beam_damage
You are taking fire damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: twilightsorceror_fire_beam_damage
BuffDefinitions id: uber_elder_immune_buff
BuffDefinitions id: uber_shaper_immune_buff
You take increased damage
BuffDefinitions id: ignited_damage_increase
You are taking Fire Damage over time
You are taking Fire Damage over time and losing Resolve over time.
BuffDefinitions id: sanctum_fire_beam
You are taking escalating Fire Damage over time and your movement speed is reduced while standing in lava.
BuffDefinitions id: treasure_vault_lava
You are taking Fire Damage over Time and have no Life or Energy Shield Recovery
You have no Life or Energy Shield Recovery
BuffDefinitions id: demon_claw_boss_blackflame_ground
You are taking Fire Damage over Time while standing in the Flame
BuffDefinitions id: demon_claw_boss_beam
You are taking Fire Damage over Time and have reduced Skill and Movement Speed while standing in the Flame
BuffDefinitions id: demon_claw_boss_beam_GIGA
BuffVisuals id(s): chilled, chilling_bond_in_beam, bloodlines_cult_elements_ice, blizzard, breach_eater_aura, breach_team_lightning_warp, silver_orb_visual, water_orb_visual, arctic_breath_cold_damage_over_time, soulrend_childspirit_cold, chilled_monster_aura_mod, chilled_monster_aura_mod_subtle, cold_snap_chilled_overseer, chilled_icon_only, myrmidon_chilled, hyrris_ire_chilled_mtx, void_emperor_chilled, cold_snap_chilled_blighted, cold_snap_chilled_delirium, deathly_chilled_mtx, prisoner_boss_chill_donut, prisoner_boss_chill_donut_bloody, tempest_bell_frozen, baron_fog_deathnut
BuffDefinitions id: chilled
BuffDefinitions id: ground_spore_damage
BuffDefinitions id: yugul_pool_chilled
BuffDefinitions id: additional_chill
You are slowed and taking Cold Damage from a Cold Beam skill
BuffDefinitions id: chilling_bond_in_beam
BuffDefinitions id: monster_aura_chill
You are chilled and significantly less accurate while in the Snowstorm.
BuffDefinitions id: blizzard_enemy
The snowstorm protects you. You have a chance to avoid damage while in it.
BuffDefinitions id: blizzard_ally
You are taking Cold Damage over time for each manifestation of fear near you.
BuffDefinitions id: frog_orb_aura
You are taking Cold Damage over time for each manifestation of fear near you.
BuffDefinitions id: frog_orb_aura_map
You are taking Cold Damage over time for each manifestation of fear near you.
BuffDefinitions id: frog_orb_aura_minions
You are taking Cold Damage over time for each manifestation of fear near you.
BuffDefinitions id: water_orb_aura
BuffDefinitions id: cold_snap_expanding_chilled_ground
You are taking Cold Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: baron_fog_deathnut
BuffVisuals id(s): frozen, frozen_damage_increase, cold_thorns, lightning_thorns_cold, myrmidon_frozen, void_emperor_freeze, vaal_arctic_armour, deathly_frozen_mtx, trench_hag_drowning_orb, glacial_strike_stage, ice_bite
Cannot move or take actions
BuffDefinitions id: frozen
You take increased damage
BuffDefinitions id: frozen_damage_increase
You reflect cold damage when hit
BuffDefinitions id: cold_thorns
You reflect Cold Damage when Hit
BuffDefinitions id: lightning_thorns_cold
You are encased in protective ice, which counts as being frozen.
BuffDefinitions id: vaal_arctic_armour
[DNT] You have stages from channelling Glacial Strike.
BuffDefinitions id: glacial_strike_stage
Your Attacks have added Cold Damage
BuffDefinitions id: ice_bite
BuffVisuals id(s): shocked, purple_shock, divine_shock, red_shock, green_shock, mastodon_shock, ground_lightning_shock, bloodlines_cult_elements_lightning, atlas_lightning_golem_buff, empyrean_shock, polaris_white_shock, stygian_shock, celestial_shock, celestial_tempest_shock, void_shock, divine_lightning_arrow_shock, automaton_lightning_tendrils_shock, shocked_rolling_storm, shocked_sawblade, shocked_annihilation, tempest_bell_shocked, perennial_king_shocked
Debuff inflicts increased damage taken
BuffDefinitions id: shocked
BuffDefinitions id: borrowed_power_lightning_aura
BuffDefinitions id: shock_aura
You are taking Lightning Damage over Time
BuffDefinitions id: mastodon_necro_ball_degen
BuffDefinitions id: additional_shock
BuffDefinitions id: vortex_mine
You are slowed from the Magnetic Storm
BuffDefinitions id: heist_unbreakable_mk1_slow
BuffDefinitions id: monster_aura_shock
You take increased damage while standing in the Charged Tornado
BuffDefinitions id: perennial_king_lightning_tornado
Your Movement Speed is reduced due to being damaged by the Electric Fence skill
BuffDefinitions id: perennial_king_shock_move_penalty
BuffVisuals id(s): arc_trap, secret_police_taser, synthesis_laser_slow
You are slowed
BuffDefinitions id: minotaur_arctrap_debuff
You are being slowed by a charged net.
BuffDefinitions id: secret_police_taser
You have reduced Action Speed
BuffDefinitions id: synthesis_laser_slow
BuffVisuals id(s): sprinting, generic_movement_speed_buff
Increased movement velocity
BuffDefinitions id: sprinting
base_number_of_projectiles_in_spiral_nova, projectile_spiral_nova_time_ms, projectile_spiral_nova_angle, projectile_spiral_nova_starting_angle_offset, projectile_spiral_nova_both_directions
BuffDefinitions id: spirals
You have increased Movement Speed
BuffDefinitions id: movement_speed_buff
Your movement speed is being randomly modified
BuffDefinitions id: random_move_speed
BuffDefinitions id: valour
BuffDefinitions id: valour_war
BuffDefinitions id: valour_defiance
BuffDefinitions id: valour_dread
BuffVisuals id(s): grace_period, god_mode, monster_aura_period_immune_affected, monster_aura_physical_thorns, monster_aura_elemental_thorns, dominated, dominating_blow_hit_buff, immortal_call, monster_aura_cannot_die, immortal_call_dark, zana_dont_hurt_me, zana_bubble, immortal_call_angelic, nemesis_allies_cannot_be_damaged_rare, nemesis_allies_cannot_be_damaged_ally
You can't be damaged
BuffDefinitions id: grace_period
[DNT] You are Immune to enemy damage for 1 second after taking damage from an enemy hit
BuffDefinitions id: sanctum_temporary_immunity
You cannot be damaged
BuffDefinitions id: god_mode
Allies Reflect Physical Damage
BuffDefinitions id: monster_aura_physical_thorns
Reflects Physical Damage
BuffDefinitions id: monster_physical_thorns
Allies Reflect Elemental Damage
BuffDefinitions id: monster_aura_elemental_thorns
Reflects Elemental Damage
BuffDefinitions id: monster_elemental_thorns
You are invulnerable to Physical Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: immortal_call
You cannot die. You cannot gain Vaal souls.
BuffDefinitions id: vaal_immortal_call
You take less Physical and Elemental Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: mortal_call
BuffDefinitions id: godmode_west
You cannot be Damaged.
BuffDefinitions id: divine_storm
Other Allies Cannot Die
BuffDefinitions id: monster_aura_cannot_die
You are protected by Zana. You will take no damage and cannot die.
BuffDefinitions id: zana_dont_hurt_me
You are protected by Zana. You will take no damage and cannot die.
BuffDefinitions id: zana_player_bubble
You cannot be Damaged.
BuffDefinitions id: archnemesis_divine_touched_rare
You cannot take Damage
BuffDefinitions id: damage_immune_while_owner_lives
You cannot be Damaged.
BuffDefinitions id: archnemesis_divine_touched_minion
BuffVisuals id(s): cutscene_grace_period
Right-click to skip cutscene.
BuffDefinitions id: cutscene_grace_period
BuffVisuals id(s): experience, CarlsTestCheat, cheat_alternate_skill_art
Increased experience for 30 seconds
BuffDefinitions id: experience
You are testing the game with raw stats and blanket mods. You should never see this outside of Grinding Gear Games.
BuffDefinitions id: CarlsTestCheat
You are using alternate skill art
BuffDefinitions id: cheat_alternate_skill_art
BuffVisuals id(s): poison, viper_strike_orb, poison_demonic, illusionist_cobra_lash_poison, poison_sunprism, alchemist_poison, melee_spider_alt_poison
Debuff inflicts [Chaos] damage over time which bypasses [EnergyShield|Energy Shield].
BuffDefinitions id: poison
You are taking Chaos Damage from Viper Strike
BuffDefinitions id: viper_strike_orb
BuffVisuals id(s): caustic_cloud, behemoth_swamp_gas, quicksand_display_buff_swamp_behemoth, caustic_cloud_bag_lady
You are taking Chaos Damage from standing in Caustic Ground
BuffDefinitions id: caustic_cloud
BuffDefinitions id: caustic_cloud_sanctum
You are taking Chaos Damage from standing in Caustic Ground
BuffDefinitions id: caustic_cloud_balbala
You are taking Chaos Damage
BuffDefinitions id: basilisk_acid_bbq_aura
You are taking increased Chaos Damage
BuffDefinitions id: atlas_basilisk_spider_debuff
You are taking Chaos Damage over time and your Movement Speed is being reduced due to standing on Tor Gul's vomit.
BuffDefinitions id: caustic_cloud_snake_boss_vomit
You are slowed and are taking chaos damage over time
BuffVisuals id(s): blood_rage, hillock_buff, ultimatum_ape_enrage, ultimatum_ape_enrage_ruin, ultimatum_boss_enrage, blood_rage_scavenger, chimera_poem_blood_rage, bloodfever_aura_of_flies, twilight_convert_righteous_fire, monster_smite_lightning_and_undead_damage, twilight_officer_warcry_buff, primordial_moth_corpse_desaturation_effect, primordial_moth_corpse_desaturation_fade_in
Taking Physical Damage over time based on Life and Energy Shield, while increasing Attack Speed and Life Leech. Killing an enemy refreshes the buff duration and can grant a Frenzy Charge.
BuffDefinitions id: blood_rage
Life degeneration, life leech, increased rate of attack. You gain Frenzy charges for killing enemies
BuffDefinitions id: blood_rage_xandro
BuffDefinitions id: rhoa_map_boss_enrage_buff
BuffDefinitions id: new_blood_rage
Attacks with fervor
BuffDefinitions id: hillock_buff
BuffDefinitions id: ultimatumape_enrage
BuffDefinitions id: ultimatum_boss_enrage
BuffDefinitions id: bloodfever_aura_of_flies
BuffDefinitions id: twilight_convert_righteous_fire
[DNT] Allies deal additional lightning damage and additional damage against the undead.
BuffDefinitions id: monster_smite_lightning_and_undead_damage
[DNT] Allies gain Energy Shield that cannon be recharged.
BuffDefinitions id: monster_energy_shield_warcry
BuffVisuals id(s): ion_cannon, ion_cannon_aura
You are taking Lightning Damage from a Galvanic Flare
BuffDefinitions id: ion_beam_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): frost_ion_cannon, frost_ion_cannon_aura, affliction_demon_cold_degen
You are taking Cold Damage from Creeping Ice
BuffDefinitions id: frost_ion_beam_debuff
You are taking Cold Damage over Time
BuffDefinitions id: affliction_demon_cold_degen
BuffVisuals id(s): invisible_fire_aura, invisible_fire
You are taking Burning Damage from a Creeping Agony
BuffDefinitions id: invisible_fire_debuff
BuffDefinitions id: burninate_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): invisible_holy_fire, invisible_holy_fire_aura, delve_light
You are taking Burning Damage from a Divine Flare
BuffDefinitions id: invisible_holy_fire_debuff
You are taking Burning Damage from a Divine Flare
BuffDefinitions id: invisible_holy_fire_elder_debuff
You are losing Resolve over time from a Divine Flare
BuffDefinitions id: invisible_holy_fire_sanctum
BuffVisuals id(s): invisible_kitava_fire, invisible_kitava_fire_aura
You are taking Physical Damage over time from a Heretical Flare
BuffDefinitions id: invisible_kitava_fire_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): frost_blaze, flask_bonus_movement_speed, ground_tar_slow, footstep_cheat, tar_gold, prophecy_monster_quantity, ground_oil, ground_oil_as_tar
You move faster while this flask is in effect
BuffDefinitions id: flask_bonus_movement_speed
Your movement speed is reduced while standing in tar
BuffDefinitions id: ground_tar_slow
BuffDefinitions id: oil_arrow_oil
Using Footstep Effects
BuffDefinitions id: footstep_cheat
Your movement speed is reduced while standing in liquid gold
BuffDefinitions id: ground_tar_gold
BuffDefinitions id: classic_prophecy_quantity
Movement speed [Slow|Slowed] and inflicted with [Exposure|Fire Exposure]. [IgnitedGround|Ignited Ground] or [Detonator] Skills will [Ignite] the Oil.
BuffDefinitions id: ground_oil
Your movement speed is reduced while standing in tar
BuffVisuals id(s): frenzy_charge, super_frenzy_charge, frenzy_charge_elder_art_variation, frenzy_charge_blood_dance_art_variation, frenzy_charge_crystal_stygian_art_variation, frenzy_charge_crystal_demonic_art_variation, frenzy_charge_crystal_ghostflame_art_variation, frenzy_charge_frenzy_scaling_helmet_art_variation, frenzy_charge_predator_farruls_fur, frenzy_charge_flame_charged_helmet, mtx_druidic_gloves_alt_frenzy_charge, mtx_darkray_vectors_alt_frenzy_charge, frenzy_charge_skull_mtx, frenzy_charge_sentinel_mtx, mtx_zodiac_dragon_alt_frenzy_charge, skill_charge_mastery_frenzy
You have Frenzy Charges. These can interact with or augment certain skills and effects.
BuffDefinitions id: frenzy_charge
BuffDefinitions id: fury_charge
BuffVisuals id(s): endurance_charge, endurance_charge_elder_art_variation, adjudicator_banner_buff, endurance_charge_crystal_stygian_art_variation, endurance_charge_crystal_demonic_art_variation, endurance_charge_crystal_ghostflame_art_variation, endurance_charge_predator_farruls_fur, ambus_charge, endurance_charge_flame_charged_helmet, mtx_druidic_gloves_alt_endurance_charge, endurance_charge_skull_mtx, endurance_charge_sentinel_mtx, mtx_zodiac_dragon_alt_endurance_charge, skill_charge_mastery_endurance
You have Endurance Charges. These can interact with or augment certain skills and effects.
BuffDefinitions id: endurance_charge
BuffVisuals id(s): power_charge, power_charge_art_variation, power_charge_elder_art_variation, power_charge_crystal_stygian_art_variation, power_charge_crystal_demonic_art_variation, power_charge_crystal_ghostflame_art_variation, power_charge_eldritch_void_battery_art_variation, power_charge_predator_farruls_fur, power_charge_flame_charged_helmet, mtx_druidic_gloves_alt_power_charge, power_charge_skull_mtx, power_charge_sentinel_mtx, mtx_zodiac_dragon_alt_power_charge, skill_charge_mastery_power
You have Power Charges. These can interact with or augment certain skills and effects.
BuffDefinitions id: power_charge
BuffVisuals id(s): spirit_charge
Required to use certain skills.
BuffDefinitions id: spirit_charge
BuffVisuals id(s): siphoning_charge, M1_11_boss_void_debuff
You take increased damage and are slower as the void drains you
BuffDefinitions id: PoEM_Act1Boss_void_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): void_arrow
Can trigger the Void Shot skill while you have Void Arrows
BuffDefinitions id: void_arrow
BuffVisuals id(s): divine_charge
You are charged with divine energy
BuffDefinitions id: divine_charge
BuffVisuals id(s): inspiration_charge
Your skills supported by Inspiration Support gain bonuses.
BuffDefinitions id: righteous_charge
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_bonus_curse_immunity, curse_immunity
BuffDefinitions id: flask_bonus_curse_immunity
BuffDefinitions id: curse_immunity
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_bonus_evasion_rating, flask_utility_push
You have increased evasion while this flask is in effect
BuffDefinitions id: flask_bonus_evasion
BuffVisuals id(s): phase_run, new_phase_run, new_phase_run_damage
You are fast and hard to see. If you end this buff by making a weapon attack, that attack will do more damage
BuffDefinitions id: phase_run
You have Phasing, allowing you to move through enemies, move faster, are less visible to enemies and deal more Melee Physical Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: new_phase_run
You deal more Melee Physical Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: new_phase_run_damage
BuffVisuals id(s): curse_temporal_chains, curse_temporal_chains_talisman, doedre_curse_aura_temporal_chains, doedre_curse_zone_aura_temporal_chains, izaro_curse_temporal_chains, izaro_pylon_death_temporal_chains, temporal_chains_slow_bubble
You are [Slow|Slowed] and effects on you expire more slowly.
BuffDefinitions id: curse_temporal_chains
You are [Slow|Slowed] and effects on you expire more slowly.
BuffTemplates id: DoedreCurseZoneAuraTemporalChains
buff id: curse_temporal_chains
You are [Slow|Slowed] and effects on you expire more slowly.
BuffTemplates id: DoedreCurseZoneAuraTemporalChains2
buff id: curse_temporal_chains
BuffVisuals id(s): curse_elemental_weakness, curse_elemental_weakness_talisman, izaro_curse_elemental_weakness, izaro_pylon_death_elemental_weakness
Curse inflicts lowered [Resistances|Elemental Resistances]
BuffDefinitions id: curse_elemental_weakness
BuffVisuals id(s): curse_fire_weakness
Curse inflicts lowered [Resistances|Fire Resistance]
BuffDefinitions id: curse_fire_weakness
BuffVisuals id(s): curse_cold_weakness, curse_cold_weakness_aura, smaller_curse_cold_weakness_aura
Curse inflicts lowered [Resistances|Cold Resistance]
BuffDefinitions id: curse_cold_weakness
BuffVisuals id(s): curse_lightning_weakness, curse_lightning_weakness_talisman
Curse inflicts lowered [Resistances|Lightning Resistance]
BuffDefinitions id: curse_lightning_weakness
BuffVisuals id(s): curse_warlords_mark
[DNT] You are cursed. You will be Stunned for longer, grant Rage, Mana and Life Leech to enemies, and grant an Endurance charge when killed.
BuffDefinitions id: curse_warlords_mark
BuffVisuals id(s): curse_punishment, curse_punishment_talisman, pain_offering_buff
BuffDefinitions id: curse_newpunishment
BuffDefinitions id: pain_offering_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): curse_enfeeble, curse_enfeeble_talisman, coedre_curse_aura_enfeeble, doedre_curse_zone_aura_enfeeble
Curse inflicts less damage dealt
BuffDefinitions id: curse_enfeeble
Curse inflicts less damage dealt
BuffTemplates id: DoedreCurseZoneAuraEnfeeble
buff id: curse_enfeeble
Curse inflicts less damage dealt
BuffTemplates id: DoedreCurseZoneAuraEnfeeble2
buff id: curse_enfeeble
BuffVisuals id(s): curse_assassins_mark
BuffDefinitions id: curse_assassins_mark
BuffVisuals id(s): curse_projectile_weakness, snipers_mark, freezing_mark, thaumaturgist_mark
BuffDefinitions id: curse_snipers_mark
BuffDefinitions id: snipers_mark
BuffDefinitions id: freezing_mark
BuffDefinitions id: thaumaturgist_mark
BuffVisuals id(s): curse_vulnerability, curse_vulnerability_talisman, doedre_curse_aura_vulnerability, doedre_curse_zone_aura_vulnerability, izaro_curse_vulnerability, izaro_pylon_death_vulnerability
Curse inflicts lowered [Armour]
BuffDefinitions id: curse_vulnerability
Curse inflicts lowered [Armour]
BuffTemplates id: DoedreCurseZoneAuraVulnerability_
buff id: curse_vulnerability
Curse inflicts lowered [Armour]
BuffTemplates id: DoedreCurseZoneAuraVulnerability2
buff id: curse_vulnerability
BuffVisuals id(s): curse_poachers_mark
BuffDefinitions id: curse_poachers_mark
BuffVisuals id(s): curse_alchemists_mark, curse_sunprism_alchemists_mark
You are cursed. The enemy which cursed you gains flask charges by hitting you and creates burning and caustic ground by igniting and poisoning you.
BuffDefinitions id: curse_alchemists_mark
BuffVisuals id(s): monster_aura_medium_physical_damage, monster_aura_large_physical_damage, monster_aura_physical_damage, monster_aura_elemental_damage, player_physical_damage_aura
Allies Deal Extra Physical Damage
BuffDefinitions id: monster_aura_medium_physical_damage
Allies Deal Extra Physical Damage
BuffDefinitions id: monster_aura_large_physical_damage
Allies Deal Extra Physical Damage
BuffDefinitions id: monster_aura_physical_damage
Allies deal increased Elemental Damage
BuffDefinitions id: monster_aura_elemental_damage
You will take more physical damage from all sources. This effect will become more powerful as you stay in this aura longer.
BuffDefinitions id: player_physical_damage_aura
You will take more physical damage from all sources. This effect will become more powerful as you stay in this aura longer.
BuffDefinitions id: player_critical_chance_against_aura
You will take more physical damage from all sources. This effect will become more powerful as you stay in this aura longer.
BuffDefinitions id: unique_player_critical_chance_against_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): monster_aura_speed, player_aura_speed, player_aura_speed_talisman, vaal_aura_speed
Allies Move and Attack Faster
BuffDefinitions id: monster_aura_speed
Allies Move and Attack Faster
BuffDefinitions id: monster_mod_speed
Grants increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed
BuffDefinitions id: player_aura_speed
Grants increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed
BuffDefinitions id: vaal_aura_speed
BuffVisuals id(s): monster_aura_life_regen, player_aura_life_regen, vaal_aura_life_regen, izaro_gargoyles_damage_taken_buff
Allies Regenerate Life
BuffDefinitions id: monster_aura_life_regen
Grants Life regeneration
BuffDefinitions id: player_aura_life_regen
Grants Life regeneration
BuffDefinitions id: vaal_aura_life_regen
BuffVisuals id(s): monster_aura_resists, player_aura_resists
Allies Resist Elemental Damage
BuffDefinitions id: monster_aura_resists
Grants additional Elemental Resistances and Immunity to Elemental Ailments
BuffDefinitions id: player_aura_resists
BuffVisuals id(s): monster_aura_energy_shield, monster_aura_energy_shield_bubble, vaal_aura_energy_shield, izaro_gargoyles_damage_buff, izaro_pedestals_additional_energy_shield, es_regen
Allies have Energy Shield
BuffDefinitions id: monster_aura_energy_shield
Allies have Energy Shield that cannot be bypassed by Chaos Damage
BuffDefinitions id: shavronne_torment_aura
Allies have Energy Shield
BuffDefinitions id: monster_aura_energy_shield_bubble
Prevents Energy Shield Recharge from being delayed by Damage
BuffDefinitions id: vaal_aura_energy_shield
You are Regenerating Energy Shield
BuffDefinitions id: usemax_es_regen
BuffVisuals id(s): monster_aura_hinder, archnemesis_oppressor
You are slowed and deal 30% less Damage and take 30% increased Damage
BuffDefinitions id: archnemesis_oppressor
BuffVisuals id(s): monster_aura_executioner, archnemesis_executioner
Life and Energy Shield cannot recover above 50%
BuffDefinitions id: monster_aura_executioner
Life and Energy Shield cannot recover above 50%
BuffDefinitions id: archnemesis_executioner
BuffVisuals id(s): monster_aura_accuracy_and_crits, player_aura_accuracy_and_crits, player_aura_accuracy_and_crits_4_0_0
Allies have increased [Accuracy] and [Critical|Critical Hit] Chance
BuffDefinitions id: monster_aura_accuracy_and_crits
You have additional Accuracy and increased Critical Strike Chance
BuffDefinitions id: player_aura_accuracy_and_crits
BuffVisuals id(s): monster_aura_pus_puke_degen, monster_aura_essence_daemon_degen, unique_deaths_oath_aura, unique_deaths_oath_debuff, highborn_spore, goblin_giant_boss_vomit, stolen_life_regen_debuff, fallen_god_chaos_aura
Enemies take Chaos Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: monster_aura_pus_puke_degen
Enemies take Chaos Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: monster_aura_chaos_degen
Enemies take Chaos Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: monster_aura_essence_daemon_degen
You are taking Chaos Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: unique_deaths_oath_aura
You are taking Chaos Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: unique_deaths_oath_debuff
Far Shot stat, Damage
BuffDefinitions id: farshot
You are taking Physical Damage over time from a Foul Sage's Spores.
BuffDefinitions id: highborn_spore_aura
Your Life Regeneration is being siphoned
You are taking Chaos Damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: fallen_god_chaos_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): monster_thorns_physical, monster_thorns_elemental, monster_thorns_physical_large, monster_thorns_elemental_large, monster_thorns_magic, monster_thorns_magic_large_model, stolen_mods, nemesis_vines, nemesis_vines_large, nemesis_immortal_ghost, nemesis_lightning_retaliation, nemesis_lightning_retaliation_large, bestiary_tiger_teleport_out, nemesis_physical_retaliation, nemesis_physical_retaliation_large, nemesis_physical_retaliation_charging, nemesis_cold_retaliation, nemesis_fire_retaliation, nemesis_fire_retaliation_charging, archnemesis_defender, archnemesis_living_crystals, monster_mod_rejuvenation, archnemesis_cycle_fire, archnemesis_cycle_cold, archnemesis_cycle_lightning, archnemesis_cycle_physical, archnemesis_cycle_chaos
Reflects Physical Damage
BuffDefinitions id: monster_thorns_physical
Fire a Projectile which deals Physical Damage when you take Physical Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: physical_reflect_mortar_mod
Reflects Elemental Damage
BuffDefinitions id: monster_thorns_elemental
Fire a Projectile which deals Damage of each Element Damage when you take Elemental Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: elemental_reflect_mortar_mod
Reflects Physical Damage
BuffDefinitions id: monster_thorns_physical_large
Reflects Elemental Damage
BuffDefinitions id: monster_thorns_elemental_large
BuffDefinitions id: monster_thorns_bloodline
BuffDefinitions id: monster_thorns_bloodline_large_model
You have taken the mods of a slain Rare Monster for yourself
BuffDefinitions id: stolen_mods_buff
You have taken a random mod of a slain Rare Monster for yourself
BuffDefinitions id: stolen_mod_buff
You have taken the mods of a slain Rare Monster for yourself
BuffDefinitions id: prophecy_stolen_mods_buff
You have taken the mod of a slain Rare Monster for yourself
BuffDefinitions id: stolen_mods_inspired_learning
You have taken the mods of a slain Rare Monster for yourself
BuffDefinitions id: stolen_mods_leaguestone
You have taken one of the mods of a slain Rare Monster for yourself
BuffDefinitions id: stolen_mods_elder_stat
You have taken the mods of a slain Magic Monster for yourself
BuffDefinitions id: stolen_mods_buff_experimented
You have taken the modifiers of a slain Rare Monster for yourself
BuffDefinitions id: vaal_cleave_stolen_mods_buff
Grasping Vines slow your enemies when you take a hit.
BuffDefinitions id: nemesis_vines
Grasping Vines slow your enemies when you take a hit.
BuffDefinitions id: nemesis_vines_large
BuffDefinitions id: physical_projectile_retaliation
BuffDefinitions id: physical_projectile_retaliation_large
Skill triggers when an enemy hits you.
BuffDefinitions id: cold_beam_retaliation
Skill triggers when an enemy hits you.
BuffDefinitions id: cold_beam_retaliation_large
Skill triggers when an enemy hits you.
BuffDefinitions id: fire_projectile_retaliation
Skill triggers when an enemy hits you.
BuffDefinitions id: archnemesis_defender
Skill triggers when an enemy hits you.
BuffDefinitions id: archnemesis_living_crystals
You have increased Life Regeneration
BuffDefinitions id: monster_mod_rejuvenation
You have increased Fire Damage taken. You take reduced Damage from all other Damage types.
BuffDefinitions id: archnemesis_cycle_fire
You have increased Cold Damage taken. You take reduced Damage from all other Damage types.
BuffDefinitions id: archnemesis_cycle_cold
You have increased Lightning Damage taken. You take reduced Damage from all other Damage types.
BuffDefinitions id: archnemesis_cycle_lightning
You have increased Physical Damage taken. You take reduced Damage from all other Damage types.
BuffDefinitions id: archnemesis_cycle_physical
You have increased Chaos Damage taken. You take reduced Damage from all other Damage types.
BuffDefinitions id: archnemesis_cycle_chaos
BuffVisuals id(s): monty_haul, puncture, puncture_purple, cheat_blood_override, sawblade_damage, thunderbolt, rhoomba_damage, flying_rhoomba_damage, spinning_blades_damage, puncture_stygian, blood_drain, puncture_bone, puncture_undead, puncture_maggot, puncture_insect, puncture_mud, sawblade_damage_upper_prison, roomba_damage_upper_prison, spinning_trap_damage_upper_prison
Drop testing
BuffDefinitions id: monty_haul
Debuff inflicts [Physical] damage over time, and extra damage while moving. This Damage bypasses [EnergyShield|Energy Shield].
BuffDefinitions id: bleeding
You are Bleeding, causing you to take Physical Damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: bleeding_stack
BuffDefinitions id: cheat_blood_override
BuffDefinitions id: sawblade_damage
BuffDefinitions id: roomba_damage
BuffDefinitions id: labyrinth_trap_bleed
BuffDefinitions id: flying_roomba_damage
BuffDefinitions id: spinning_blade_damage
You are taking physical damage and have reduced movement speed.
BuffDefinitions id: hellscape_blood_drain_debuff
BuffDefinitions id: sawblade_damage_upper_prison
BuffDefinitions id: roomba_damage_upper_prison
BuffDefinitions id: spinning_trap_damage_upper_prison
BuffVisuals id(s): lightning_shield
You have additional chance to block spell damage, and are immune to shock.
BuffDefinitions id: lightning_shield
BuffVisuals id(s): fire_shield
BuffDefinitions id: fire_shield
You have additional Armour, and a percentage of damage from hits will be taken from this buff before your Life or Energy Shield.
BuffDefinitions id: molten_shell_damage_absorption
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_utility_critical_strike_chance
You have increased [Critical|Critical Hit] Chance
BuffDefinitions id: flask_utility_critical_strike_chance
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_utility_resist_fire
You have additional Fire Resistance.
BuffDefinitions id: utility_charm_fire_resistance
You have additional Fire Resistance and less Fire Damage taken
BuffDefinitions id: flask_utility_resist_fire
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_utility_resist_cold
You have additional Cold Resistance.
BuffDefinitions id: utility_charm_cold_resistance
You have additional Cold Resistance and less Cold Damage taken
BuffDefinitions id: flask_utility_resist_cold
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_utility_resist_lightning
You have additional Lightning Resistance.
BuffDefinitions id: utility_charm_lightning_resistance
You have additional Lightning Resistance and less Lightning Damage taken
BuffDefinitions id: flask_utility_resist_lightning
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_utility_ironskin
You have additional Armour
BuffDefinitions id: flask_utility_ironskin
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_utility_sprint
You have increased Movement Speed
BuffDefinitions id: flask_utility_sprint
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_utility_resist_chaos
You have additional Chaos Resistance.
BuffDefinitions id: utility_charm_chaos_resistance
You have additional Chaos Resistance
BuffDefinitions id: flask_utility_resist_chaos
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_utility_phase
You have additional chance to Suppress Spell Damage and Phasing, allowing you to move through enemies
BuffDefinitions id: flask_utility_phase
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_utility_evasion, mtx_tornado_jade_flask
You have additional Evasion Rating
BuffDefinitions id: flask_utility_evasion
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_utility_statue_wip, izaro_pedestals_physical_damage_reduction_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_utility_aquamarine
The effect of being Frozen on you is reduced.
BuffDefinitions id: flask_utility_aquamarine
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_utility_bismith
You have additional Elemental Resistances
BuffDefinitions id: flask_utility_prismatic
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_utility_stibnite
You have more Evasion Rating
BuffDefinitions id: flask_utility_smoke
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_utility_sulphur, gold_pile_aura
You deal increased Damage
BuffDefinitions id: flask_utility_consecrate
You are dealing increased damage
BuffDefinitions id: aura_atlas_gold_pile
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_utility_silver
Your speed is unaffected by Slows.
BuffDefinitions id: utility_charm_slow_immunity
BuffDefinitions id: flask_utility_haste
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_utility_basalt
You have more Armour
BuffDefinitions id: flask_utility_stone
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_utility_rarity
You find items of increased Rarity.
BuffDefinitions id: utility_charm_item_rarity
You find items of increased Rarity
BuffDefinitions id: flask_utility_rarity
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_utility_ward
You have additional Ward
BuffDefinitions id: flask_utility_ward
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_utility_adaptation
You have additional Adaptation Rating
BuffDefinitions id: flask_utility_adaptation
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_utility_stun_protection
You cannot be Stunned.
BuffDefinitions id: utility_charm_stun_immunity
Your Stun Threshold is increased, and you cannot be stunned more than once during this flask effect.
BuffDefinitions id: flask_utility_stun_protection
BuffVisuals id(s): monster_aura_slow, goddess_slow
Enemies are Slowed
BuffDefinitions id: monster_aura_slow
You are slowed
BuffDefinitions id: goddess_slow
BuffVisuals id(s): monster_aura_damage_reduction, fortify, myrmidon_fortify
Allies take less Damage
BuffDefinitions id: monster_aura_damage_reduction
You take less damage when hit
BuffDefinitions id: fortify
You have more Evasion Rating
BuffDefinitions id: alternate_fortify
Players take 1% less Damage from Hits per Fortification.
BuffDefinitions id: fortification
BuffVisuals id(s): block_test, revenge
Testing only!!!!
BuffDefinitions id: block_test
You are blocking attacks coming from in front of you. Blocking attacks grants you Revenge.
BuffDefinitions id: guarded_assault
BuffDefinitions id: revenge
BuffVisuals id(s): player_aura_armour, vaal_aura_armour
Grants more Armour
BuffDefinitions id: player_aura_armour
Grants additional Armour and Resistances
BuffDefinitions id: vaal_aura_armour
BuffVisuals id(s): player_aura_evasion, monster_aura_evasion, vaal_aura_dodge, izaro_gargoyles_speed_buff
Grants additional Evasion
BuffDefinitions id: player_aura_evasion
Allies have additional Evasion
BuffDefinitions id: monster_aura_evasion
Grants additional chance to Evade Attack Hits, and makes Suppressed Spell Damage unlucky against you.
BuffDefinitions id: vaal_aura_dodge
BuffVisuals id(s): player_aura_fire_resist
Grants additional Fire Resistance
BuffDefinitions id: player_aura_fire_resist
BuffVisuals id(s): player_aura_cold_resist
Grants additional Cold Resistance
BuffDefinitions id: player_aura_cold_resist
BuffVisuals id(s): player_aura_lightning_resist
Grants additional Lightning Resistance
BuffDefinitions id: player_aura_lightning_resist
BuffVisuals id(s): player_aura_energy_shield
You have additional Total Energy Shield based on the maximum Mana of this aura's source
BuffDefinitions id: player_aura_energy_shield
BuffDefinitions id: manashield
BuffVisuals id(s): player_aura_fire_damage, aura_fire_damage_talisman, player_aura_fire_damage_ground, monster_aura_fire_damage, ambrosia_aura_fire_damage, izaro_elemental_fire_buff
Grants additional Fire Damage
BuffDefinitions id: player_aura_fire_damage
Allies deal additional fire damage
BuffDefinitions id: monster_aura_fire_damage
Allies deal additional fire damage
BuffDefinitions id: ambrosia_aura_fire_damage
BuffVisuals id(s): player_aura_cold_damage, aura_cold_damage_talisman, player_aura_cold_damage_ground, monster_aura_cold_damage, izaro_elemental_cold_buff, small_aura_cold_damage_talisman
Grants some of Physical damage as extra Cold Damage, and more Cold Damage
BuffDefinitions id: player_aura_cold_damage
Allies deal additional cold damage
BuffDefinitions id: monster_aura_cold_damage
BuffVisuals id(s): player_aura_lightning_damage, aura_lightning_damage_talisman, player_aura_lightning_damage_ground, monster_aura_lightning_damage, amarissa_aura_lightning_damage, izaro_elemental_lightning_buff
Grants additional Lightning Damage
BuffDefinitions id: player_aura_lightning_damage
Allies deal additional lightning damage
BuffDefinitions id: monster_aura_lightning_damage
Allies deal additional lightning damage
BuffDefinitions id: amarissa_aura_lightning_damage
BuffDefinitions id: petrify_enrage
BuffVisuals id(s): player_aura_chaos_damage
Grants additional Chaos Damage
BuffDefinitions id: envy_chaos_damage
BuffVisuals id(s): player_aura_mana_regen, player_aura_mana_regen_4_0_0, str_int_mission_mana_regen_relic, vaal_aura_no_mana_cost
Grants Mana regeneration
BuffDefinitions id: player_aura_mana_regen
You are Regenerating Mana
BuffDefinitions id: usemax_mana_regen
BuffDefinitions id: meditate_energy_generation
Skills cost no Mana
BuffDefinitions id: vaal_aura_no_mana_cost
BuffVisuals id(s): beartrap_debuff, pinned, ring_of_bone_pinned, ripwire_pinned, ascendancy_spirit_caster_pin
You are held in place by a Bear Trap and will take increased damage from Traps and Mines.
BuffDefinitions id: beartrap_debuff
Your Movement Speed is lowered and you will take increased damage from Traps and Mines.
BuffDefinitions id: beartrap_debuff_slow
You cannot move.
BuffDefinitions id: pinned
You cannot move.
BuffTemplates id: AncestralJadeEncaseEnemy
buff id: pinned
BuffVisuals id(s): trap_convert_buff, heist_conversion_debuff
You have been temporarily converted to another team
BuffDefinitions id: trap_convert_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): ground_fire_burn, ground_fire_burn_solaris, ground_fire_burn_blue, ground_fire_burn_corsair, ground_fire_burn_stygian, ground_fire_burn_polaris_black, ground_fire_burn_demonic, ground_fire_burn_nightfall, debilitate_debuff_celestial, ground_fire_burn_transcendence, ground_fire_burn_siren, ziggurat_sizzle_low, ziggurat_sizzle_medium, ziggurat_sizzle_high, imperial_graveyard_knight_rf_sword, ground_fire_ghostflame_monster, doryani_solar_orb_degen
Debuff inflicts [Fire] damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: ground_fire_burn_sanctum
You have been affected by an enemy's Herald of Ash, dealing Fire Damage over time to you
BuffDefinitions id: herald_of_ash_burning
You are taking fire damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: scorched_earth_degen_explosion
You are takings physical and fire damage and have reduced Life Recovery Rate
BuffDefinitions id: ground_fire_phys_life_recovery
You are taking Fire Damage while inside a Flame Wall.
BuffDefinitions id: generic_monster_flame_wall_dot
You are taking Fire Damage Over Time from lingering Flame Thrower flames
BuffDefinitions id: generic_monster_flame_thrower_dot
You are taking Fire Damage while inside a Flame Wall.
BuffDefinitions id: ignagduk_firewall_degen
You are taking fire damage over time from being near a fragment of the Temple of Kopec's Sun.
BuffDefinitions id: ziggurat_burning_sun
[DNT] The power of a thousand suns (or just a few small ones)
BuffDefinitions id: ziggurat_burning_sun_stackable
You are taking fire damage over time from being in view of the Temple of Kopec's Sun.
BuffDefinitions id: ziggurat_burning_sun_severe
[DNT] You are taking fire damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: imperial_graveyard_knight_rf_sword
BuffDefinitions id: ground_fire_ghostflame_monster
You are taking Fire Damage while near a Burning Orb
BuffDefinitions id: doryani_solar_orb_degen
BuffVisuals id(s): totem_aura_life_regen, vaal_totem_aura_life_regen
Grants Life regeneration
BuffDefinitions id: totem_aura_life_regen
Grants Life and Mana regeneration
BuffDefinitions id: totem_aura_life_mana_regen
Trap Damage, Mine Damage, Totem Damage
BuffDefinitions id: trapdamage
Grants Life regeneration
BuffDefinitions id: vaal_totem_aura_life_regen
Grants Life and Mana regeneration
BuffDefinitions id: vaal_totem_aura_life_mana_regen
BuffVisuals id(s): blinded, blinded_uniquewand13, ground_smoke_blind, blinded_sand
Debuff reduces [Accuracy] and [Evasion]
BuffDefinitions id: blinded
BuffVisuals id(s): monster_aura_always_crit
Allies always get [Critical|Critical Hits]
BuffDefinitions id: monster_aura_always_crit
BuffVisuals id(s): ice_shield
Some Physical and Fire damage to you is prevented, Consumes Mana
BuffDefinitions id: ice_shield
BuffVisuals id(s): lightning_thorns, shavronne_lightning_thorns, lightning_exposure, lightning_exposure_all, reduced_lightning_resistance_stygian, reduced_lightning_resistance_celestial, reduced_lightning_resistance_rolling_storm
You emit Lightning Projectiles when hit.
BuffDefinitions id: lightning_thorns
Debuff inflicts lowered [Resistances|Lightning Resistance]
BuffDefinitions id: exposure_lightning
BuffVisuals id(s): awesomerorybuff
BuffVisuals id(s): strdexint
trap_trigger_radius_+%, trap_throwing_speed_+%, mine_laying_speed_+%, mine_damage_penetrates_%_elemental_resistance, mine_damage_+%, trap_damage_+%, trap_damage_penetrates_%_elemental_resistance, mine_detonation_radius_+%
BuffDefinitions id: mine_trap_test
BuffVisuals id(s): minionstest
Max Spectres, Zombies, Skeletons, Skeletons per cast
BuffDefinitions id: minionstest
BuffVisuals id(s): projectiletest
Chain, Additional Projectiles, Projectile Speed
BuffDefinitions id: projectiletest
Your spells and ranged attacks are suppressed, causing them to fire and cast at a slower rate
BuffDefinitions id: suppressing_fire
BuffVisuals id(s): durationtest
Skill Effect Duration, Buff Duration
BuffDefinitions id: durationtest
BuffVisuals id(s): totemtest
number_of_additional_totems_allowed, totem_life_+%, totem_duration_+%, totem_range_+%, totem_damage_+%, totem_elemental_resistance_%, totem_additional_physical_damage_reduction_%, totem_skill_cast_speed_+%, totem_skill_attack_speed_+%, summon_totem_cast_speed_+%
BuffDefinitions id: totemtest
You summon additional totems
BuffDefinitions id: additional_totems_test
BuffDefinitions id: testnova
BuffVisuals id(s): traptest
Max Traps, Trap Duration, Trap Laying Speed
BuffDefinitions id: traptest
BuffVisuals id(s): ground_desecration
You are taking Chaos Damage while standing on Desecrated Ground
BuffDefinitions id: ground_desecration
BuffVisuals id(s): ground_consecration, ground_consecration_elreon, ground_consecration_stygian, ground_consecration_celestial
Grants Life Regeneration, and reduces the effect of Curses on you.
BuffDefinitions id: ground_consecration
You are on an enemy's Consecrated Ground.
BuffDefinitions id: ground_consecration_enemy
Grants Life Regeneration
BuffDefinitions id: ground_consecration_elreon
BuffVisuals id(s): ground_profane
You are on an enemy's Profane Ground, lowering your resistances and making you easier to critically hit.
BuffDefinitions id: ground_profane_enemy
You are much more likely to be Critically Hit and your resistances are lowered
BuffDefinitions id: profane_ground_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): divination_distilate
Grants increased Item Quantity, Item Rarity, Elemental Resistances and Light Radius
BuffDefinitions id: unique_flask_divination_distillate
BuffVisuals id(s): onslaught, onslaught_from_nearby_allies, void_emperor_onslaught, thrillsteel_alt_onslaught
You have 20% increased [SkillSpeed|Skill Speed] and 10% increased movement speed
BuffDefinitions id: onslaught
Grants increased Physical Damage and Movement Speed
BuffDefinitions id: undying_rage
BuffDefinitions id: have_onslauht_from_nearby_allies
BuffVisuals id(s): damage_aura, damage_aura_monster
You deal increased Damage
BuffDefinitions id: damage_aura
You have increased Mana Regeneration
BuffDefinitions id: mana_regeneration_aura
Grants increased Damage
BuffDefinitions id: damage_aura_skeleton_elite
BuffVisuals id(s): reave_counter
Your Reave has more Area of Effect
BuffDefinitions id: reave_counter
BuffVisuals id(s): dominus_mark
Sends Miscreations against you, causing them to chase you and explode
BuffDefinitions id: dominus_mark
BuffVisuals id(s): proximity_shield_aura, proximity_shield_aura_tempest, proximity_shield_buff, harbinger_proximity_shield_buff, harbinger_proximity_shield_aura, proximity_shield_mundane_magi_time_aura
You cannot be harmed by direct damage from enemies outside the shield.
BuffDefinitions id: proximity_shield_aura
You cannot be harmed by direct damage from enemies in front the shield.
BuffDefinitions id: frontal_proximity_shield
You cannot be harmed by direct damage from enemies outside the shield.
BuffDefinitions id: proximity_shield_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): incinerate_counter
Your Incinerate deals more Damage and is larger
BuffDefinitions id: incinerate_counter
You are using Incinerate
BuffDefinitions id: incinerate_stage_count
BuffVisuals id(s): smoke_movement_speed
You have increased Movement Speed
BuffDefinitions id: smoke_mine_movement_speed
BuffVisuals id(s): freeze_mine_resistance_debuff
You have lost Cold Resistance due to being Frozen by Freeze Mine
BuffDefinitions id: freeze_mine_cold_resistsance_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): corrupted_blood, corpse_warp, living_blood_rush, corrupted_blood_heritage
Debuff inflicts [Physical] damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: corrupted_blood
BuffDefinitions id: karui_bloodfever
BuffDefinitions id: living_blood_rush
BuffVisuals id(s): shrine_regen, shrine_regen_epk, mtx_gull_harpy_shrine_symbol_regen
You are regenerating Life and Mana
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_regen
You are regenerating Life and Mana.
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_regeneration_2
BuffVisuals id(s): shrine_brutal, mtx_gull_harpy_shrine_symbol_brutal
Your hits have Knockback, and increased Damage and Stun Duration
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_brutal
BuffVisuals id(s): shrine_critical, shrine_critical_epk
You always deal [Critical|Critical Hits]
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_critical
You always deal [Critical|Critical Hits]
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_critical_royale
You always deal [Critical|Critical Hits].
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_critical_2
BuffVisuals id(s): shrine_speed, shrine_speed_epk, mtx_gull_harpy_shrine_symbol_speed
You have increased Action Speed and Projectile Speed
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_acceleration
You have increased Skill and Movement Speed.
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_acceleration_2
BuffVisuals id(s): shrine_thorns, shrine_defence, mtx_gull_harpy_shrine_symbol_defence
You Reflect some Physical and Elemental Damage
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_thorns
You have increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_defence
BuffVisuals id(s): shrine_fire, shrine_fire_epk
Fire rains down around you
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_fire
You gain Damage as Fire Damage and Meteors rain down around you.
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_fire_2
BuffVisuals id(s): shrine_lightning, shrine_arc, shrine_lightning_epk, shrine_arc_epk
Shock Novas happen around you
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_lightning
Lightning arcs from you
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_arc
You gain Damage as Lightning Damage and bolts strike the ground around you.
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_lightning_2
You gain increased Experience.
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_experience_2
BuffVisuals id(s): shrine_cold, shrine_cold_epk
Ice Novas happen around you
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_cold
You gain Damage as Cold Damage and freezing shards fire around you in a spiral.
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_cold_2
BuffVisuals id(s): shrine_smoke, shrine_smoke_epk
Smoke shrouds you
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_smoke
All item drops converted to Gold.
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_goldfind_2
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_goldfind_2_monster
BuffVisuals id(s): shrine_massive, shrine_massive_epk, mtx_gull_harpy_shrine_symbol_massive
You have increased Life, Area of Effect, and Size
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_massive
You have increased Life and Defences.
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_massive_2
BuffVisuals id(s): shrine_resistance, shrine_resistance_epk, mtx_gull_harpy_shrine_symbol_resistance
You have additional Resistance to Elemental Damage
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_resistance
You have additional Resistance to Elemental Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_resistance_2
BuffVisuals id(s): shrine_godmode, shrine_godmode_epk
You cannot be Damaged
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_godmode
You cannot be Damaged.
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_godmode_2
BuffVisuals id(s): shrine_echoing
Your skills are repeated.
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_echoing
BuffVisuals id(s): shrine_curses, shrine_corrupt_epk, shrine_gloom
Your hits inflict random curses.
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_curses
All item drops are Corrupted.
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_corrupt_2
You gain a portion of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage and Enemies you Kill have a chance to Explode, dealing a portion of their Maximum Life as Chaos Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_gloom
BuffVisuals id(s): shrine_skeleton, shrine_skeleton_epk
Skeletons are summoned to you
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_skeleton
You gain Damage as Chaos Damage and slain enemies can explode dealing Chaos Damage based on their maximum Life.
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_gloom_2
BuffVisuals id(s): shrine_magicfind_epk, shrine_greed
You have increased Rarity of Items Found.
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_magicfind_2
You have increased Item Quantity and Rarity but take increased Damage
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_greed
BuffVisuals id(s): blood_of_the_karui
Regain full life when the effect ends
BuffDefinitions id: unique_flask_blood_of_the_karui
BuffVisuals id(s): laviangas_cup
Your skills cost no mana while this flask is in effect
BuffDefinitions id: unique_flask_laviangas_cup
BuffVisuals id(s): oba_death_countown
You are about to die.
BuffDefinitions id: oba_death_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): ctf_red_flag
Right-click to drop. 50% increased damage taken per stack.
BuffDefinitions id: ctf_have_red_flag
BuffVisuals id(s): ctf_blue_flag, ctf_green_flag
Right-click to drop. 50% increased damage taken per stack.
BuffDefinitions id: ctf_have_blue_flag
Right-click to drop. 50% increased damage taken per stack.
BuffDefinitions id: ctf_have_green_flag
BuffVisuals id(s): ctf_red_flag_damage
BuffVisuals id(s): ctf_blue_flag_damage, ctf_green_flag_damage
BuffVisuals id(s): curse_silence
You are cursed. You cannot speak the magic words to cast spells, or yell to use warcries.
BuffDefinitions id: curse_silence
You cannot Cast Spells
BuffDefinitions id: curse_aura_silence
BuffVisuals id(s): soul_eater_aura, zerphis_beating_heart_soul_eater, soul_eater
Soul Eater
BuffDefinitions id: soul_eater_aura
You have increased Attack speed, Cast speed and Character Size
BuffDefinitions id: soul_eater
BuffVisuals id(s): life_regen, cenobite_leash_healing, twilight_order_holy_heal, skeleton_cleric_heal
You are Regenerating Life
BuffDefinitions id: usemax_life_regen
BuffDefinitions id: life_regen_from_spread_poison
Grants Life regeneration
BuffDefinitions id: savage_hit_life_regen
You are Regenerating Life
BuffDefinitions id: cenobite_leash_healing
You are Regenerating Life
BuffDefinitions id: twilight_order_holy_heal
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_bonus_chaos_res
BuffVisuals id(s): seawitch_lightning_beam, vinktar_lightning_bond, betrayal_scientist_reflection_beam, harvest_rhex_screech_debuff
Enemies take Lightning Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: monster_aura_lightning_degen
You are taking Lightning Damage from a Lightning Beam skill.
BuffDefinitions id: seawitch_lightning_beam
You are taking Lightning Damage from a Lightning Beam skill.
BuffDefinitions id: piety_ally_beam
You're taking Lightning Damage from Lightning Bond
BuffDefinitions id: vinktar_lightning_bond_in_beam
You are taking Lightning Damage over Time
BuffDefinitions id: betrayal_scientist_reflection_beam
You take increased Lightning Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: harvest_rhex_screech_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): charged_blast_counter
You are using Flameblast
BuffDefinitions id: charged_blast_counter
You are using Forbidden Rite
BuffDefinitions id: soulfeast_counter
BuffVisuals id(s): chill_immunity, flask_chill_immunity
You cannot be Chilled
BuffDefinitions id: chill_prevention
All Chill has been removed from you, and you cannot be Chilled.
BuffDefinitions id: utility_charm_chill_immunity
All Chill has been removed from you, and you cannot be Chilled.
BuffDefinitions id: chill_immunity
BuffVisuals id(s): freeze_immunity
You cannot be Frozen
BuffDefinitions id: freeze_prevention
BuffVisuals id(s): ignite_immunity
You cannot be Ignited
BuffDefinitions id: ignite_prevention
BuffVisuals id(s): shock_immunity
You cannot be Shocked
BuffDefinitions id: shock_prevention
BuffVisuals id(s): poison_immunity
All Poison has been removed from you, and you cannot be Poisoned.
BuffDefinitions id: poison_immunity
BuffVisuals id(s): unique_dying_breath_curse_aura, unique_dying_breath_damage_aura, betrayal_catarina_blackflame, betrayal_catarina_ghostflame, betrayal_catarina_ritual, betrayal_catarina_immunity
You have increased effect of Curses on you
BuffDefinitions id: unique_dying_breath_curse_aura
Grants increased Damage
BuffDefinitions id: unique_dying_breath_damage_aura
Enemies and allies around the corrupted undead deal increased Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: int_mission_dying_breath_aura
Move to the active cemetery to complete the ritual to nullify Catarina's power.
BuffDefinitions id: catarina_blackflame_ignite
You are taking fire damage
BuffDefinitions id: catarina_graveyard_fire
You are taking fire damage
BuffDefinitions id: catarina_blackflame_aura
Stand in the cemetery with Blackflame Ignite to complete the ritual and nullify Catarina's power.
BuffDefinitions id: catarina_ritual_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): sea_witch_screech, omnitect_cone_debuff
You have reduced movement speed
BuffDefinitions id: sea_witch_screech_debuff
You have less Movement Speed and take increased Lightning Damage
BuffDefinitions id: omnitect_cone_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): unholy_might, doedre_unholy_might, culling_strike_aura
You deal extra Chaos Damage, based on your Physical Damage
BuffDefinitions id: unholy_might
You deal extra Chaos Damage, based on your Physical Damage
BuffDefinitions id: unholy_might_permanent
You deal extra Chaos Damage, based on your Physical Damage
BuffDefinitions id: unholy_might_from_flask
You deal extra Chaos Damage, based on your Physical Damage
BuffDefinitions id: unholy_might_while_no_es
BuffVisuals id(s): offering_offensive
You have increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed
BuffDefinitions id: offering_offensive
BuffVisuals id(s): offering_defensive
You have Block Chance, Spell Block Chance, and recover Life when you Block
BuffDefinitions id: offering_defensive
BuffVisuals id(s): offering_spirit
You have increased Critical Strike Chance and additional Critical Strike Multiplier
BuffDefinitions id: offering_spirit
BuffVisuals id(s): offering_blood
You have increased Damage, and are Regenerating Life
BuffDefinitions id: offering_blood
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_bonus_chance_to_ignite
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_bonus_chance_to_freeze
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_bonus_chance_to_shock
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_bonus_stun_threshold_reduction
BuffVisuals id(s): unique_flask_atziris_promise
BuffVisuals id(s): pinned_rain_of_arrows
You are held in place by arrows
BuffDefinitions id: pinned_rain_of_arrows
BuffVisuals id(s): vaal_cloud, bestiary_enrage, ground_devouring_darkness, ground_despair_geyser, blood_ground, omnitect_thruster, blood_soulrend, atlas_orion_death_zone, atlas_orion_death_zone_core, atlas_orion_meteor_ground, affliction_corpse_degen, blackhole_damage_taken, blackhole_damage_taken_divine, quicksand_display_buff_heist_freidrich, crimson_priest_boss_degen, blackhole_damage_taken_vaal, infinite_hunger_side_arena_debuff, ground_sludge, sanctum_lycia_ground, perennial_king_corrupted_ground, procession_banner_life_drain_active, procession_banner_life_drain_regen, soulrend_bloodpriest, chimera_corrupted_ground, corrupt_venarius_poem_buff_vfx, wendigo_donut_of_darkness, voodoo_king_fire_blood, vaal_zealot_banner_debuff, vaal_zealot_banner_buff
You are taking Physical Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: vaal_cloud
BuffDefinitions id: upheavalbuff
You are dying from being outside of the active Royale combat zone. Follow the pointer underneath your character.
BuffDefinitions id: royale_pain
You are taking Physical Damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: ground_devouring_darkness
You are taking Physical Damage over Time
BuffDefinitions id: vilenta_reflection_beam_degen
You are taking Physical Damage over Time
BuffDefinitions id: delve_abyss_reflection_beam_degen
You are taking Physical Damage over time and have reduced movement speed.
BuffDefinitions id: ground_despair_geyser
You are taking Physical Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: architect_ground_blood
You are taking Fire Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: architect_ground_blood_fire
You are taking Physical & Fire Damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: architect_ground_blood_combined
BuffDefinitions id: ground_living_blood
You are taking Physical Damage
BuffDefinitions id: ground_living_blood_damage
You are taking more damage from the Omnitect's thruster the longer you stand underneath it.
BuffDefinitions id: omnitect_thrusters
You are taking Physical Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: soulrend_physical
Your integral anatomical structure is being ripped apart until you die.
BuffDefinitions id: atlas_orion_death_zone
Your integral anatomical structure is being ripped apart until you die.
BuffDefinitions id: atlas_orion_death_zone_minion
Your integral anatomical structure is being ripped apart until you die.
BuffDefinitions id: atlas_orion_death_zone_core
Your integral anatomical structure is being ripped apart until you die.
BuffDefinitions id: atlas_orion_death_zone_core_minion
You are taking Fire Damage, Physical Damage, Chaos Damage, Lightning Damage, have reduced maximum Fire, Chaos, and Lightning Resistances, and cannot Recover Life or Energy Shield.
BuffDefinitions id: atlas_orion_meteor_ground
You are taking Physical Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: affliction_corpse_degen
You are slowed and taking physical damage over time.
You are taking physical damage over time from a Blood Ritual
BuffDefinitions id: crimson_priest_boss_degen
You are taking physical damage over time from a Blood Purge
BuffDefinitions id: crimson_priest_boss_degenzone
You are taking Physical and Chaos damage over time, and have reduced Movement Speed
BuffDefinitions id: infinite_hunger_side_arena_debuff
You are taking Physical and Chaos damage over time, and have reduced Movement Speed
BuffDefinitions id: ground_sludge
You are taking Physical Damage over time and your Resolve is being drained.
BuffDefinitions id: ground_sanctum
You are taking Physical Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: perennial_king_corrupted_ground
You are taking Physical Damage over Time
BuffDefinitions id: procession_banner_blood_drain_active
BuffDefinitions id: procession_banner_blood_drain_regen
You are taking fire, lightning and chaos damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: chimera_corrupted_ground
[DNT] Its dark
BuffDefinitions id: wendigo_donut_of_darkness
You are taking Fire and Physical Damage over time
You are dealing reduced damage while in range of the banner
BuffDefinitions id: vaal_zealot_banner_debuff
You are regenerating life while standing in range of the banner
BuffDefinitions id: vaal_zealot_banner_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): garena_drops_buff
It is easier to get treasure now!
BuffDefinitions id: garena_drops_display_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): unique_flask_forbidden_taste
You are taking Chaos Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: unique_flask_forbidden_taste
BuffVisuals id(s): unique_flask_rumis_concoction
You have additional Chance to Block Attacks and Spells
BuffDefinitions id: unique_flask_rumis_concoction
BuffVisuals id(s): marauder_mission_have_treasure, marauder_mission_boss_have_spirit
Bring the Karui Spirit back to the entrance.
BuffDefinitions id: marauder_mission_have_idol
BuffVisuals id(s): physical_immunity
You are invulnerable to Physical Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: physical_immunity
BuffVisuals id(s): phasing_buff, raider_phasing_buff, sunprism_phase, shroud_stealth
You have Phasing, allowing you to move through enemies.
BuffDefinitions id: phasing_buff
You have Phasing, allowing you to move through enemies.
BuffDefinitions id: phasing_buff_raider
BuffVisuals id(s): herald_of_ash
Overkilling an enemy will burn nearby enemies based on overkill damage.
BuffDefinitions id: herald_of_ash
BuffVisuals id(s): herald_of_ice
Shattering an enemy deals cold damage to nearby enemies.
BuffDefinitions id: herald_of_ice
BuffVisuals id(s): herald_of_thunder, herald_of_thunder_active
Killing a shocked enemy will cause your next few attack hits to call down lightning bolts.
BuffDefinitions id: herald_of_thunder
Your attack hits call down lightning bolts.
BuffDefinitions id: herald_of_thunder_active
BuffVisuals id(s): sandstorm, ground_sandstorm, quicksand_display_buff, quicksand_display_buff_breach, quicksand_display_buff_sanctum_scorpion_boss, quicksand_display_buff_ninjacop, quicksand_display_buff_dredge, perennial_king_sand_storm, perennial_king_tornado_degen, chaos_god_owl_boss_tornado
You are taking physical damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: sandstorm
You are taking Physical Damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: ground_sandstorm
You are being slowed by Quicksand.
BuffDefinitions id: quicksand_display_buff
You are taking Physical damage over time while standing in the Sandstorm.
BuffDefinitions id: perennial_king_sand_storm
You are taking Physical Damage over time and your Movement Speed is being reduced due to being inside the Tornado. An additional stack of this effect is applied when deep inside the Tornado.
BuffDefinitions id: perennial_king_tornado_degen
You are taking Physical Damage over time while inside the Tornado
BuffDefinitions id: chaos_god_owl_boss_tornado
BuffVisuals id(s): chaos_sandstorm
You are taking chaos damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: sandstorm_chaos
BuffVisuals id(s): water_sandstorm, vortex, atlas_orion_eyrie_hurricane
You are taking cold damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: sandstorm_water
You are taking cold damage from a Vortex.
BuffDefinitions id: vortex
You are taking damage from a Vortex
BuffDefinitions id: ground_vortex_ruin
[DNT] Your soul is being drained
BuffDefinitions id: hag_soul_drain_debuff
You are taking Cold Damage over Time
BuffDefinitions id: atlas_orion_eyrie_hurricane
BuffVisuals id(s): whakawairua_tuahu_buff
Light Radius, Item Rarity and Item Quantity decays over time, and is increased by kills.
BuffDefinitions id: cagan_darkness
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_bonus_weapon_elemental_damage
BuffVisuals id(s): monster_aura_physical_degen
Enemies take Physical Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: monster_aura_physical_degen
BuffDefinitions id: baron_blood_beam_degen
BuffVisuals id(s): unique_flask_taste_of_hate
You deal extra cold damage, you take a portion of physical damage as cold and have chance to avoid freeze and chill ailments.
BuffDefinitions id: unique_flask_taste_of_hate
BuffVisuals id(s): unique_flask_coruscating_elixir
Chaos damage does not cause doubled loss of Energy Shield
BuffDefinitions id: unique_flask_chaos_damage_does_not_damage_es_extra_hard
BuffVisuals id(s): torment_embezzler, restore
You recover Life, Mana and Energy Shield more slowly.
BuffDefinitions id: torment_embezzler
You are regenerating Life, Mana or Energy Shield
BuffDefinitions id: restore
BuffVisuals id(s): static_weapon_buff, static_strike_kitava
Static Strike deals damage around you as each stack expires.
BuffDefinitions id: static_weapon_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): elemental_equilibrium
BuffVisuals id(s): bull_thorns, lieutenant_bull_thorns, izaro_chronos_statue_damage_buff, izaro_chronos_statue_speed_buff, izaro_chronos_statue_damage_taken_buff, projectile_projectile_retaliation, projectile_bull_thorns, projectile_bull_thorns_chargeup
You reflect Physical and Elemental damage when hit.
BuffDefinitions id: bull_thorns
BuffVisuals id(s): ground_fire_burn_white
BuffVisuals id(s): inspiring_cry, empowering_howl
You deal increased Damage and have additional Mana Regeneration.
BuffDefinitions id: inspiring_cry
BuffDefinitions id: empowering_howl
BuffVisuals id(s): abyssal_cry
Your movement speed is reduced.
BuffDefinitions id: abyssal_cry
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_freeze_immunity
All Freeze has been removed from you, and you cannot be Frozen
BuffDefinitions id: utility_charm_freeze_immunity
All Freeze has been removed from you, and you cannot be Frozen
BuffDefinitions id: freeze_immunity
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_bleed_immunity
All Bleeding has been removed from you, and Bleeding cannot be inflicted on you.
BuffDefinitions id: utility_charm_bleeding_immunity
All Bleeding has been removed from you, and Bleeding cannot be inflicted on you.
BuffDefinitions id: bleeding_immunity
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_ignite_immunity
All Burning has been removed from you, and Burning cannot be inflicted on you.
BuffDefinitions id: utility_charm_burning_immunity
All Ignite has been removed from you, and Ignite cannot be inflicted on you.
BuffDefinitions id: utility_charm_ignite_immunity
All Ignite has been removed from you, and you cannot be Ignited.
BuffDefinitions id: ignite_immunity
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_shock_immunity
All Shock has been removed from you, and you cannot be Shocked.
BuffDefinitions id: utility_charm_shock_immunity
All Shock has been removed from you, and you cannot be Shocked.
BuffDefinitions id: shock_immunity
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_corrupted_blood_immunity
All Corrupted Blood has been removed from you, and Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you.
BuffDefinitions id: corrupted_blood_immunity
BuffVisuals id(s): unique_shapers_seed_regeneration
Grants Life Regeneration and increased Mana Regeneration
BuffDefinitions id: unique_shapers_seed_regeneration
BuffVisuals id(s): gluttony_of_elements
Taking Elemental Damage instead heals you. You cannot gain Vaal souls. You are Immune to Curses.
BuffDefinitions id: vaal_aura_elemental_damage_healing
BuffVisuals id(s): ice_elemental_buff
Your Ice Golem is granting you increased Accuracy and Critical Strike Chance
BuffDefinitions id: ice_elemental_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): fire_elemental_buff
Your Flame Golem is granting you increased Damage
BuffDefinitions id: fire_elemental_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): lightning_golem_buff
Your Lightning Golem is granting you increased Attack and Cast Speed
BuffDefinitions id: lightning_elemental_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): chaos_elemental_buff
Your Chaos Golem is granting you additional Physical Damage Reduction
BuffDefinitions id: chaos_elemental_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): pietys_rage
You take increased damage for each stack of Piety's Rage
BuffDefinitions id: piety_fire_form_stacking_damage_taken
BuffVisuals id(s): enduring_cry_charge_benefits, enduring_cry_charge_benefits_cry_wolf, enduring_cry_charge_benefits_celestial
You have extra physical damage reduction and elemental resistance for each endurance charge you have.
BuffDefinitions id: enduring_cry_endurance_charge_benefits
BuffVisuals id(s): punisher
You deal more Melee Damage and have increased Attack Speed
BuffDefinitions id: new_punishment_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): unique_flask_lions_roar
You deal more Melee Physical Damage and Knock enemies back
BuffDefinitions id: unique_flask_lions_roar
BuffVisuals id(s): new_arctic_armour, new_arctic_armour_demon, new_arctic_armour_cloud, arctic_armour_stack, arctic_armour_stack_demon, arctic_armour_stack_cloud
You are immune to being Frozen. While stationary, you take less fire and physical damage.
BuffDefinitions id: new_arctic_armour
You are gaining stages of a retaliatory barrier over time.
BuffDefinitions id: new_new_arctic_armour
When you are [HitDamage|Hit] by a [Melee] [Attack], you retaliate with [Cold] Damage but lose a stage.
BuffDefinitions id: arctic_armour_stationary_stage
BuffDefinitions id: heat_seeking_arrow_stage
BuffVisuals id(s): volcano_stage
You are gaining Volcano stages
BuffDefinitions id: volcano_stage
BuffVisuals id(s): diamond_storm, cold_damage_storm, status_immunity_storm
You always deal Critical Strikes.
BuffDefinitions id: diamond_storm
You always deal Critical Strikes.
BuffDefinitions id: uber_diamond_storm
A portion of your Physical Damage is gained as Cold Damage, you always Freeze, and you deal increased Cold Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: cold_damage_storm
You cannot be Chilled, Frozen, Ignited or Shocked. You have additional Elemental Resistances and maximum Elemental Resistances.
BuffDefinitions id: status_immunity_storm
BuffVisuals id(s): replenishing_storm
You are regenerating Life and Mana.
BuffDefinitions id: replenishing_storm
BuffVisuals id(s): echoing_storm
Your skills are repeated.
BuffDefinitions id: echoing_storm
BuffVisuals id(s): rarity_storm
You have increased Item Rarity and Quantity.
BuffDefinitions id: rarity_storm
You have increased Item Rarity and Quantity.
BuffDefinitions id: uber_rarity_storm
BuffVisuals id(s): massive_storm, corpse_devour_storm, corrupted_drops_storm, identify_items_storm, wolf_minion_howl_debuff
Your Damage and Size are increased, and you take reduced Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: massive_storm
Nearby corpses are devoured to heal you.
BuffDefinitions id: corpse_devour_storm
Items you find are Corrupted.
BuffDefinitions id: corrupted_drops_storm
Items you find are Identified.
BuffDefinitions id: identify_items_storm
BuffDefinitions id: wolf_minion_howl_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): tiny_storm
Your Damage and Size are reduced, and you take increased Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: tiny_storm
BuffVisuals id(s): fire_damage_storm
A portion of your Physical Damage is gained as Fire Damage, you always Ignite, and you deal increased Fire Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: fire_damage_storm
BuffVisuals id(s): lightning_damage_storm
A portion of your Physical Damage is gained as Lightning Damage, you always Shock, and you deal increased Lightning Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: lightning_damage_storm
BuffVisuals id(s): smoke_trail_storm, veil_storm, quality_drops_storm
Smoke shrouds you.
BuffDefinitions id: smoke_trail_storm
Your Elemental Resistances are Zero, and your Light radius is reduced.
BuffDefinitions id: veil_storm
Items you find have Quality.
BuffDefinitions id: quality_drops_storm
BuffVisuals id(s): projectile_nova_storm, ethereal_storm
You gain four additional projectiles, and you fire your projectiles in a nova. You have increased area of effect.
BuffDefinitions id: projectile_nova_storm
You have Phasing, allowing you to move through enemies. You have a chance to avoid damage.
BuffDefinitions id: phasing_storm
BuffVisuals id(s): voltaxic_storm, elemental_damage_storm
A portion of your Damage is Converted to Chaos Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: voltaxic_storm
You have increased Elemental Damage and Cast Speed. You gain 10 life over one second when you cast a spell.
BuffDefinitions id: arcane_storm
BuffVisuals id(s): drop_as_sell_price_storm, soul_eater_storm, emberstorm
Non-Unique Items you find, excluding Currency, Gems and Maps drop as their sell price.
BuffDefinitions id: drop_as_sell_price_storm
You have Soul Eater.
BuffDefinitions id: tempest_soul_eater
Nearby Volatile Emberstorms are attracted to you
BuffDefinitions id: heist_danai_volatile_attraction
BuffVisuals id(s): ground_spores
You are taking Physical Damage while standing in Ground Spores
BuffDefinitions id: ground_spores
BuffVisuals id(s): increased_item_rarity_aura
You have Culling Strike, increased item rarity, and additional critical strike multiplier and fortification while near allies using Kingmaker
BuffDefinitions id: increased_item_rarity_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): static_tether
BuffDefinitions id: static_tether
BuffVisuals id(s): frost_bomb
You have reduced regeneration of life and energy shield, and reduced energy shield recharge rate
BuffDefinitions id: frost_bomb
You are dealing increased Cold Damage
BuffDefinitions id: frost_nova_counter
BuffVisuals id(s): lightning_bomb
You have reduced resistances to lightning damage and life regeneration.
BuffDefinitions id: lightning_bomb
BuffVisuals id(s): inspirational, scion_inspirational
You have increased Movement Speed from a Champion
BuffDefinitions id: movement_speed
You have increased Movement Speed from an Ascendant
BuffDefinitions id: scion_movement_speed
An Ascendant is granting you Increased Damage while they have Fortify
BuffDefinitions id: champion_aura_increased_damage_under_fortify
BuffVisuals id(s): contagion, contagion_inactive, contagion_arcane
Debuff inflicts [Chaos] damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: contagion
BuffDefinitions id: flask_bonus_physical_damage_reduction_percent
You are taking Chaos Damage Over Time
BuffDefinitions id: plague
BuffVisuals id(s): siphon
Debuff inflicts [Chaos] damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: siphon_damage
You are regenerating life from Essence Drain
BuffDefinitions id: essence_drain_regen
BuffVisuals id(s): offering_of_judgement_fire
You are taking Burning Damage
BuffDefinitions id: offering_of_judgement_fire
BuffVisuals id(s): hinder, hinder_from_item, singularity_aura, singularity_aura_self, hinder_from_stormbind, hinder_from_stormbind_gore, hinder_project, hinder_scientist
Movement speed [Slow|Slowed]
BuffDefinitions id: hinder
Movement speed [Slow|Slowed]
BuffDefinitions id: Ritual_Slow
You're in the grip of a Singularity
BuffDefinitions id: singularity_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): wither_resistance, wither_resistance_arcane, wither_resistance_sunprism, wither_resistance_scientist, wither_resistance_demonic, wither_resistance_project
Debuff inflicts increased [Chaos] damage taken
BuffDefinitions id: withered
Debuff inflicts increased [Chaos] damage taken
BuffDefinitions id: BreachWithered
BuffVisuals id(s): offering_of_judgement_chaos, ground_caustic_purple_spores, ground_caustic_alt_poison
You are taking Chaos Damage Over Time
BuffDefinitions id: offering_of_judgement_chaos
BuffVisuals id(s): her_blessing, her_embrace_unique
BuffVisuals id(s): vinktars_vessel, vinktars_vessel_no_epk
BuffVisuals id(s): gloom_herald_of_ash, ghost_flame_herald_of_ash, divine_herald_of_ash, purple_herald_of_ash, gore_herald_of_ash, sin_herald_of_ash, innocence_herald_of_ash, wasteland_herald_of_ash, automaton_herald_of_ash, celestial_herald_of_ash, blood_guard_herald_of_ash, oriathan_herald_of_ash, demonic_herald_of_ash, empyrean_herald_of_ash, polaris_white_herald_of_ash, dragon_hunter_herald_of_ash, stygian_herald_of_ash, glimmerwood_herald_of_ash, darkwood_herald_of_ash, despair_herald_of_ash, ultimatum_chieftain_buff, ultimatum_survival_enrage
You deal a portion of your Physical Damage as extra Fire Damage
BuffDefinitions id: ultimatum_chieftain_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): grasping_ornaments_slow
Your attack speed, cast speed and movement speed are reduced from standing in Grasping Ornaments.
BuffDefinitions id: grasping_ornaments_slow_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): grasping_tentacles_slow
Your attack speed, cast speed and movement speed are reduced from standing in Grasping Tentacles.
BuffDefinitions id: grasping_tentacles_slow_aura
Your attack speed, cast speed and movement speed are reduced from standing in Grasping Pincers.
BuffDefinitions id: grasping_pincers_slow_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): grant_es_to_nearby_allies, prayer_of_glory
You are being granted Energy Shield by a Guardian
BuffDefinitions id: grant_es_to_nearby_allies
You are being granted Armour by a Guardian
BuffDefinitions id: grant_armour_to_nearby_allies
BuffVisuals id(s): augry_of_penitence
You take increased Elemental Damage and deal less Elemental Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: augry_of_penitence
You take increased Elemental Damage
BuffDefinitions id: scion_augry_of_penitence
BuffVisuals id(s): gladiator_damage_speed_stack, izaro_pedestals_physical_damage_buff, atlas_warlord_enrage
You have increased Physical Damage and Block Chance
BuffDefinitions id: physical_damage_stacking
You have 20% increased Damage, Attack, Cast and Movement Speed.
BuffDefinitions id: atlas_warlord_enrage
BuffVisuals id(s): maim, archnemesis_maim, baron_boss_sword_lockdown
Reduced [Evasion] and movement speed [Slow|Slowed]
BuffDefinitions id: maim
Reduced [Evasion] and movement speed [Slow|Slowed]
BuffTemplates id: LabyrinthTrapMaim
buff id: maim
[DNT] You are ensnared and cannot escape.
BuffDefinitions id: baron_boss_sword_lockdown
BuffVisuals id(s): talisman_degen
You are taking Physical Damage over time from the Bone Roil
BuffDefinitions id: talisman_degen
BuffVisuals id(s): blade_vortex_counter
You have blades in a Blade Vortex around you
BuffDefinitions id: blade_vortex_counter
You have blades in a Blade Vortex around you
BuffDefinitions id: new_blade_vortex
You have blades in a Blade Vortex around you
BuffDefinitions id: new_new_blade_vortex
BuffVisuals id(s): locust_swarm_fire
You are taking Fire Damage from a Fire Swarm
BuffDefinitions id: LocustSwarmStackingDegenAuraFire
BuffVisuals id(s): locust_swarm_cold
You are taking Cold Damage from a Cold Swarm
BuffDefinitions id: LocustSwarmStackingDegenAuraCold
BuffVisuals id(s): locust_swarm_lightning
You are taking Lightning Damage from a Lightning Swarm
BuffDefinitions id: LocustSwarmStackingDegenAuraLightning
BuffVisuals id(s): petrified, petrified_ultimatum, stone_gaze, stone_gaze_ultimatum, legion_petrify, legion_time_lock_karui, legion_time_lock_maraketh, legion_time_lock_vaal, legion_time_lock_templar, legion_time_lock_eternal, covered_in_mud, archnemesis_chained_up, primordial_root
You are Petrified
BuffDefinitions id: petrified
You are Petrified
BuffDefinitions id: flask_petrification
You are Petrified
BuffDefinitions id: petrification_statue_gaze
You are becoming Petrified
BuffDefinitions id: petrification_stack
You are becoming Petrified.
You are becoming Petrified.
BuffDefinitions id: basilisk_slow
You are becoming Petrified.
You're being weighed down by mud, slowing your movement speed.
BuffDefinitions id: mud_slow
[DNT] You are Rooted
BuffDefinitions id: primordial_rooted_beam
BuffVisuals id(s): occultist_nearby_enemies_chaos_resist_life_regen
You have no Life Regeneration and reduced Cold and Chaos Resistance while near an Occultist
BuffDefinitions id: occultist_nearby_enemies_chaos_cold_resist_life_regen
You have no Chaos Resistance.
BuffDefinitions id: unique_no_chaos_resistance
BuffVisuals id(s): blight, darktongue_kiss, blight_sunprism, blight_scientist, blight_project
You are taking Chaos Damage Over Time
BuffDefinitions id: blight
You are taking Chaos Damage Over Time
BuffDefinitions id: new_blight
You are taking Chaos Damage Over Time
BuffDefinitions id: darktongue_kiss
BuffVisuals id(s): stone_golem_regeneration
Your Stone Golem is granting you additional Life Regeneration
BuffDefinitions id: rock_golem_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): chieftain_totem_aura
You deal less damage, and take increased Fire and Physical damage while near a Chieftain's totems
BuffDefinitions id: totem_aura_chieftain
BuffVisuals id(s): shrink
You have been shrunk! You're more vulnerable to damage, and deal less damage.
BuffDefinitions id: shrink
BuffVisuals id(s): guardian_stun_aura
You are being granted Stun Immunity by a Guardian
BuffDefinitions id: guardian_cannot_be_stunned_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): dancing_dervish_summoned
Manifested Dancing Dervishes are disabling their original item.
BuffDefinitions id: dancing_dervish_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): unique_flask_zealots_oath, unique_flask_eldritch_battery
Life Regeneration is applied to Energy Shield instead
BuffDefinitions id: unique_flask_zealots_oath
You have Eldritch Battery, allowing you to spend Energy Shield for Costs of Skills.
BuffDefinitions id: unique_flask_eldritch_battery
BuffVisuals id(s): awaken_gargoyle
BuffVisuals id(s): elemental_overload
You are dealing more Elemental Damage
BuffDefinitions id: elemental_overload
BuffVisuals id(s): harmony_of_purpose, harmony_of_purpose_enemies
You share Charges with Party Members in this Aura
BuffDefinitions id: guardian_share_charges_with_party_members_in_aura
You can't gain Charges
BuffDefinitions id: guardian_conduit_aura_enemies
BuffVisuals id(s): vile_bastion
You are regenerating Energy Shield
BuffDefinitions id: occultist_stacking_es_recovery_per_minute_percent
BuffVisuals id(s): pursuit_of_faith
You have Increased Damage
BuffDefinitions id: heirophant_attack_and_spell_damage
BuffVisuals id(s): elemental_conflux
All of your damage Shocks, Chills, and Ignites.
BuffDefinitions id: elemental_conflux
All of your damage Shocks, Chills, and Ignites.
BuffDefinitions id: elementalist_all_damage_chills_shocks_ignites
BuffVisuals id(s): chilling_conflux
All of your damage Chills.
BuffDefinitions id: elementalist_all_damage_chills
BuffVisuals id(s): shocking_conflux
All of your damage Shocks.
BuffDefinitions id: elementalist_all_damage_shocks
BuffVisuals id(s): igniting_conflux
All of your damage Ignites.
BuffDefinitions id: elementalist_all_damage_ignites
BuffVisuals id(s): lightning_golem_wrath
Grants additional Lightning Damage to Attacks and Spells
BuffDefinitions id: lightning_golem_wrath
BuffVisuals id(s): bane_of_the_loyal
BuffVisuals id(s): heart_of_the_gargoyle
BuffVisuals id(s): cube_of_absorption
BuffVisuals id(s): orb_of_elemental_essence
BuffVisuals id(s): rod_of_detonation
BuffVisuals id(s): sand_of_eternity
BuffVisuals id(s): cogs_of_disruption
BuffVisuals id(s): portal_shredder, slash_totem, slam_totem
BuffVisuals id(s): charged_attack, vaal_charged_attack, vaal_charged_attack_gloom, vaal_charged_attack_demonic
Your Blade Flurry has more damage
BuffDefinitions id: charged_attack
Your Vaal Blade Flurry is gaining stages, granting additional radius.
BuffDefinitions id: vaal_charged_attack
BuffVisuals id(s): monster_aura_increased_damage_taken
You are taking increased damage from all sources
BuffDefinitions id: aura_increased_damage_taken
BuffVisuals id(s): monster_aura_damage_on_movement_skill_use, grasping_vines_buff
You take Physical Damage whenever you use a movement skill
BuffDefinitions id: aura_damage_on_movement_skill_use
BuffDefinitions id: grasping_vines_aura
Movement speed [Slow|Slowed] by each vine on you. Moving breaks the vines.
BuffDefinitions id: grasping_vines_buff
You're slowed and are taking Chaos Damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: rain_of_spores_vines_aura
BuffDefinitions id: reaper_wraith_grasping_chains
BuffDefinitions id: maven_map_space_vines
Movement speed [Slow|Slowed] by each vine on you. Moving breaks the vines.
BuffDefinitions id: monster_grasping_vines
Movement speed [Slow|Slowed] by each vine on you. Moving breaks the vines.
BuffDefinitions id: harvest_cat_grasping_vines_buff
Movement speed [Slow|Slowed] by each vine on you. Moving breaks the vines.
BuffDefinitions id: nemesis_grasping_vines_buff
Movement speed [Slow|Slowed] by each vine on you. Moving breaks the vines.
BuffDefinitions id: nature_grasping_vines_buff
You are slowed by Binding Chains. Move to break the chains
BuffDefinitions id: sanctum_binding_chains
BuffVisuals id(s): taunted, monster_taunted
You deal less damage to enemies which have not taunted you.
BuffDefinitions id: taunted
BuffVisuals id(s): gloom_herald_of_ice, divine_herald_of_ice, purple_herald_of_ice, gore_herald_of_ice, sin_herald_of_ice, innocence_herald_of_ice, wasteland_herald_of_ice, automaton_herald_of_ice, celestial_herald_of_ice, blood_guard_herald_of_ice, oriathan_herald_of_ice, demonic_herald_of_ice, empyrean_herald_of_ice, polaris_white_herald_of_ice, dragon_hunter_herald_of_ice, stygian_herald_of_ice, glimmerwood_herald_of_ice, darkwood_herald_of_ice, despair_herald_of_ice
BuffVisuals id(s): gloom_herald_of_thunder, divine_herald_of_thunder, purple_herald_of_thunder, gore_herald_of_thunder, sin_herald_of_thunder, innocence_herald_of_thunder, wasteland_herald_of_thunder, automaton_herald_of_thunder, celestial_herald_of_thunder, blood_guard_herald_of_thunder, oriathan_herald_of_thunder, demonic_herald_of_thunder, empyrean_herald_of_thunder, polaris_white_herald_of_thunder, dragon_hunter_herald_of_thunder, stygian_herald_of_thunder, glimmerwood_herald_of_thunder, darkwood_herald_of_thunder, despair_herald_of_thunder
BuffVisuals id(s): overflowing_chalice
You gain increased Flask Charges while this flask is active
BuffDefinitions id: overflowing_chalice
BuffVisuals id(s): kiaras_determination
You are immune to Freeze, Chill, Curses and Stun while this flask is active.
BuffDefinitions id: kiaras_determination
BuffVisuals id(s): repeated_pulse_cold
You have reduced Cold Resistance.
BuffDefinitions id: repeated_pulse_cold
BuffVisuals id(s): repeated_pulse_lightning
You have reduced Lightning Resistance.
BuffDefinitions id: repeated_pulse_lightning
BuffVisuals id(s): repeated_pulse_fire
You have reduced Fire Resistance.
BuffDefinitions id: repeated_pulse_fire
BuffVisuals id(s): repeated_pulse_chaos
You are taking Chaos Damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: repeated_pulse_chaos
BuffVisuals id(s): phoenix_stacking_debuff, chieftain_enrage_buff, chieftain_enrage_aura
You have reduced maximum Fire Resistance.
BuffDefinitions id: phoenix_stacking_debuff
You have reduced maximum Fire Resistance.
BuffDefinitions id: phoenix_stacking_debuff_standalone
BuffVisuals id(s): phoenix_firebomb
You have reduced Fire Resistance.
BuffDefinitions id: phoenix_firebomb
BuffVisuals id(s): unique_flask_zerphis_last_breath
Skills used grant a percentage of Mana Cost as Life over time
BuffDefinitions id: unique_flask_zerphis_last_breath
BuffVisuals id(s): remnant_of_corruption_aura, orion_beam_bomb_slow
You are slowed and taking Physical Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: remnant_of_corruption_aura
You take 10% increased Damage and are 6% slower for each stack.
BuffDefinitions id: orion_beam_bomb_slow
BuffVisuals id(s): decay, maven_decay, demon_claw_boss_blackflame_debuff
You are taking Chaos Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: decay
You are taking Chaos Damage over time
You have no Life or Energy Shield Recovery
BuffDefinitions id: demon_claw_boss_blackflame_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): covered_in_spiders, spider_god_web_slow
You are covered in spiders! Burn them off! You move faster but Attack and Cast slower and deal less Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: covered_in_spiders
You have reduced movement speed while covered in webs.
BuffDefinitions id: spider_god_spiders
BuffVisuals id(s): witchfire_brew
You are dealing increased Damage over Time
BuffDefinitions id: unique_flask_witchfire_brew
BuffVisuals id(s): dying_sun
You have increased Area of Effect, and fire additional Projectiles
BuffDefinitions id: unique_flask_dying_sun
BuffVisuals id(s): ground_haste, harbinger_slipstream_aura, harbinger_slipstream_aura_uber
You have increased Action Speed from the Slipstream.
BuffDefinitions id: ground_haste
Time moves more swiftly for you and those around you.
BuffDefinitions id: harbinger_action_speed_aura
Time moves more swiftly for you and allies around you.
BuffDefinitions id: harbinger_action_speed_aura_uber
BuffVisuals id(s): fire_beam_burning, fire_beam_burning_divine, fire_beam_burning_stygian, fire_beam_burning_shaper, fire_beam_burning_max_stacks
You are burning, taking fire damage over time from a Scorching Ray.
BuffDefinitions id: fire_beam_damage_stacks
You are taking Fire Damage over Time
BuffDefinitions id: vilenta_reflection_beam_degen_fire
BuffVisuals id(s): covered_in_ash, covered_in_ash_polaric_devastation_mtx
Movement speed [Slow|Slowed] and takes increased [Fire] damage
BuffDefinitions id: cover_in_ash
BuffVisuals id(s): tencent_asset_lock_iir, master_buff_treasure_hunter
You have increased item rarity.
BuffDefinitions id: player_tencent_asset_lock_bonus
You have increased Quantity and Rarity of Items found
BuffDefinitions id: master_buff_treasure_hunter
You have increased Quantity and Rarity of Items found
BuffDefinitions id: master_buff_alva
BuffVisuals id(s): tencent_no_asset_lock, tencent_tas_lock
You have not activated your Asset Lock. If you do so, it'll provide an increase to item rarity.
BuffDefinitions id: player_tencent_no_asset_lock
You are currently in 60 second safe mode. You may not perform sensitive operations yet.
BuffDefinitions id: tencent_tas_lock
BuffVisuals id(s): abberaths_hooves_display_buff
Create a small explosion with each step, dealing fire damage in an area around you.
BuffDefinitions id: abberaths_hooves_display_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): avarius_beam_debuff
You are taking increased fire damage the longer you are in the beam.
BuffDefinitions id: avarius_divine_beam_debuff
You are taking increased fire damage the longer you are in the beam.
BuffDefinitions id: machinarium_fire_beam_debuff
You are taking increased fire damage the longer you are in the beam.
BuffDefinitions id: sunworshipper_fire_beam_debuff
You are taking increased fire damage the longer you are in the beam.
BuffDefinitions id: twilightsorceror_fire_beam_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): ground_tar_net
Your movement speed is reduced while standing in a net
BuffDefinitions id: ground_tar_net
BuffVisuals id(s): unique_victarios_flight_movement_speed
You and your allies have increased movement speed
BuffDefinitions id: unique_victarios_flight_movement_velocity
BuffVisuals id(s): doedre2_red_buff, doedre2_red_aura, doedre_pillar_red_aura
BuffDefinitions id: doedre2_red_buff
You are taking 10% increased damage for each stack of Red Effluent.
BuffDefinitions id: doedre2_red_aura
You are taking 6% increased damage for each stack of Doedre's Torment.
BuffDefinitions id: doedre_pillar_red_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): doedre2_green_buff, doedre2_green_aura, doedre_pillar_green_aura
BuffDefinitions id: doedre2_green_buff
You and your Minions are dealing 7% less damage for each stack of Green Effluent.
BuffDefinitions id: doedre2_green_aura
You and your Minions are dealing 5% less damage for each stack of Doedre's Withering.
BuffDefinitions id: doedre_pillar_green_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): doedre2_purple_buff, doedre2_purple_aura, doedre_pillar_purple_aura
BuffDefinitions id: doedre2_purple_buff
You are 7% slower for each stack of Purple Effluent.
BuffDefinitions id: doedre2_purple_aura
Your action speed is 5% slower for each stack of Doedre's Suffering.
BuffDefinitions id: doedre_pillar_purple_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): infested
Parasites burst from your body and drain your flask charges.
BuffDefinitions id: infested
BuffVisuals id(s): despair
Gruthkul's Despair consumes you. You are slowed, take more damage and have reduced light radius.
BuffDefinitions id: despair_bear_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): brine_king_tide, ritual_wisp_buff
You are caught in the tide, which slows you and deals cold damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: brine_king_tide
You are gaining Increased Tribute
BuffDefinitions id: ritual_wisp_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): doedre_sewer_invisible_fire, doedre_sewer_invisible_fire_aura, contagion_celestial, contagion_sunprism, contagion_scientist, contagion_project, hag_curse_corpse_buff, hag_soul_drain_buff
You are taking Chaos Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: doedre_invisible_chaos_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): vortex_lunaris
You are taking damage from Lunaris's Dark Vortex
BuffDefinitions id: ground_maelstrom_chill_lunaris
BuffVisuals id(s): arcane_surge, madcap_arcane_surge
You have more Cast Speed and Mana Regeneration.
BuffDefinitions id: arcane_surge
BuffVisuals id(s): innervation
You are dealing additional Lightning Damage
BuffDefinitions id: innervate_support
BuffVisuals id(s): harbinger_buff
You cannot be stunned or have elemental ailments applied to you, and take less damage.
BuffDefinitions id: harbinger_channel_buff
You cannot be stunned or have elemental ailments applied to you, take less damage and are unaffected by curses on you.
BuffDefinitions id: harbinger_channel_buff_uber
Your projectiles have additional properties.
BuffDefinitions id: harbinger_projectile_buff
Your projectiles have additional properties.
BuffDefinitions id: harbinger_projectile_buff_uber
Your damage, attack speed, and movement speed is enhanced, and you take reduced damage.
BuffDefinitions id: harbinger_damage_buff
Your damage, attack speed, and movement speed is enhanced, you take reduced damage and bleeding enemies that you kill will explode, dealing physical damage.
BuffDefinitions id: harbinger_damage_buff_uber
You have additional chance to Shock enemies, and lightning resistance penetration.
BuffDefinitions id: harbinger_lightning_buff_uber
BuffVisuals id(s): void_gaze
You have reduced Chaos Damage Resistance
BuffDefinitions id: void_gaze
BuffVisuals id(s): enduring_thaumaturgy
Malachai's Endurance grants you a 20% chance to gain an Endurance Charge when you kill enemies.
BuffDefinitions id: malachais_endurance
BuffVisuals id(s): frenzied_thaumaturgy
Malachai's Frenzy grants you a 20% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when you kill enemies.
BuffDefinitions id: malachais_frenzy
BuffVisuals id(s): powerful_thaumaturgy
Malachai's Power grants you a 20% chance to gain a Power Charge when you kill enemies.
BuffDefinitions id: malachais_power
BuffVisuals id(s): gorgon_unique_flask
You are taking Chaos Damage and your Critical Strikes do not deal Extra Damage. You have a chance to Poison and Poisons from Critical Strikes are stronger.
BuffDefinitions id: unique_flask_gorgon_poison
BuffDefinitions id: unique_flask_shakari_increased_speed
BuffVisuals id(s): aegis_fire, blackstar_sunlight_stack
Fire Damage from Hits is taken from this Aegis before your Life or Energy Shield. The Aegis will be restored to full value if you take no Fire Damage from Hits for a while.
BuffDefinitions id: aegis_fire_buff
You take more Fire damage from hits, less Cold damage from hits and have additional chance to be Ignited
BuffDefinitions id: blackstar_sunlight
BuffVisuals id(s): aegis_cold, blackstar_moonlight_stack
Cold Damage from Hits is taken from this Aegis before your Life or Energy Shield. The Aegis will be restored to full value if you take no Cold Damage from Hits for a while.
BuffDefinitions id: aegis_cold_buff
You take more Cold damage from hits, less Fire damage from hits and have additional chance to be Frozen
BuffDefinitions id: blackstar_moonlight
BuffVisuals id(s): aegis_lightning
Lightning Damage from Hits is taken from this Aegis before your Life or Energy Shield. The Aegis will be restored to full value if you take no Lightning Damage from Hits for a while.
BuffDefinitions id: aegis_lightning_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): aegis_elemental
Elemental Damage from Hits is taken from this Aegis before your Life or Energy Shield. The Aegis will be restored to full value if you take no Elemental Damage from Hits for a while.
BuffDefinitions id: aegis_elemental_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): aegis_physical
Physical Damage from Hits is taken from this Aegis before your Life or Energy Shield. The Aegis will be restored to full value if you take no Physical Damage from Hits for a while.
BuffDefinitions id: aegis_physical_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): aegis_fire_depleted
The Aegis is depleted. It will be restored to full value after a short delay.
BuffDefinitions id: aegis_fire_depleted
BuffVisuals id(s): aegis_cold_depleted
The Aegis is depleted. It will be restored to full value after a short delay.
BuffDefinitions id: aegis_cold_depleted
BuffVisuals id(s): aegis_lightning_depleted
The Aegis is depleted. It will be restored to full value after a short delay.
BuffDefinitions id: aegis_lightning_depleted
BuffVisuals id(s): aegis_elemetnal_depleted
The Aegis is depleted. It will be restored to full value after a short delay.
BuffDefinitions id: aegis_elemental_depleted
BuffVisuals id(s): aegis_physical_depleted
The Aegis is depleted. It will be restored to full value after a short delay.
BuffDefinitions id: aegis_physical_depleted
BuffVisuals id(s): fire_impurity_buff, impurity_enemy_debuff_fire
Grants immunity to Ignite and raises maximum Fire Resistance.
BuffDefinitions id: fire_impurity_buff
Hits ignore your Fire Resistance
BuffDefinitions id: ignore_enemy_fire_resistance
BuffVisuals id(s): cold_impurity_buff, impurity_enemy_debuff_cold
Grants immunity to Freeze and Chill, and raises maximum Cold Resistance.
BuffDefinitions id: cold_impurity_buff
Hits ignore your Cold Resistance
BuffDefinitions id: ignore_enemy_cold_resistance
BuffVisuals id(s): lightning_impurity_buff, impurity_enemy_debuff_lightning
Grants immunity to Shock and raises maximum Lightning Resistance.
BuffDefinitions id: lightning_impurity_buff
Hits ignore your Lightning Resistance
BuffDefinitions id: ignore_enemy_lightning_resistance
BuffVisuals id(s): shakari_caustic_trail, ground_caustic_purple
You are creating Caustic Ground around you. Keep moving to remove this Debuff.
BuffDefinitions id: caustic_cloud_trail
BuffVisuals id(s): critical_strike_chance_unique, area_of_effect_pluspercent_unique
You have a higher chance of dealing a Critical Strike.
BuffDefinitions id: critical_strike_chance_unique
You have increased Area of Effect.
BuffDefinitions id: area_of_effect_pluspercent_unique
BuffVisuals id(s): storm_barrier_player, storm_barrier
BuffVisuals id(s): tentacle_fiend_aura, tentacle_fiend_aura_monster
You are slower and deal reduced damage.
BuffDefinitions id: tentacle_fiend_aura
You are slower and deal reduced damage due to a nearby Tentacle Fiend.
BuffDefinitions id: tentacle_fiend_aura_monster
BuffVisuals id(s): elder_siphon_debuff, elder_siphon_slow
You are taking Physical Damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: elder_siphon_debuff
You are slower.
BuffDefinitions id: elder_siphon_slow
BuffVisuals id(s): elder_siphon_immobilise, heist_twins_immobilise
You cannot move.
BuffDefinitions id: elder_siphon_immobilise
You cannot move.
BuffDefinitions id: heist_twin_immobilise
BuffVisuals id(s): death_walk_display_buff
With each step, destroys a nearby corpse to deal fire damage in an area.
BuffDefinitions id: death_walk_display_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): curse_chaos_weakness
BuffDefinitions id: curse_chaos_weakness
BuffVisuals id(s): avatar_of_fire_unique_weapon
You have Avatar of Fire.
BuffDefinitions id: avatar_of_fire_from_unique
BuffVisuals id(s): iron_reflexes_unique_weapon
You have Iron Reflexes.
BuffDefinitions id: iron_reflexes_from_unique
BuffVisuals id(s): elemental_overload_unique_weapon
You have Elemental Overload.
BuffDefinitions id: elemental_overload_from_unique
BuffVisuals id(s): shade_form, delve_darkness
You are invulnerable to Physical Damage and hard to see.
BuffDefinitions id: shade_form
The darkness is overwhelming, you are dying. Get to the light!
BuffDefinitions id: delve_degen_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): monster_thorns_physical_mortar, monster_thorns_physical_large_mortar
Fire a Projectile which deals Physical Damage when you take Physical Damage.
BuffTemplates id: MonsterThornsPhysical1
buff id: physical_reflect_mortar_mod
Fire a Projectile which deals Physical Damage when you take Physical Damage.
BuffTemplates id: MonsterThornsPhysical1Large
buff id: physical_reflect_mortar_mod
BuffVisuals id(s): monster_thorns_elemental_mortar, monster_thorns_elemental_large_mortar
Fire a Projectile which deals Damage of each Element Damage when you take Elemental Damage.
BuffTemplates id: MonsterThornsElemental1
buff id: elemental_reflect_mortar_mod
Fire a Projectile which deals Damage of each Element Damage when you take Elemental Damage.
BuffTemplates id: MonsterThornsElemental1Large
buff id: elemental_reflect_mortar_mod
BuffVisuals id(s): elder_ground_spores
You are taking Physical Damage while standing in Eldritch Decay
BuffDefinitions id: elder_ground_spores
BuffVisuals id(s): temporal_anomaly
You are being slowed by a temporal anomaly.
BuffDefinitions id: temporal_anomaly
You are faster due to a temporal anomaly.
BuffDefinitions id: temporal_anomaly_allies
You are being slowed by a temporal anomaly.
BuffDefinitions id: blight_tower_temporal_anomaly
BuffVisuals id(s): master_buff_kirac, master_buff_huck
You have additional Armour and Evasion, and increased Damage
BuffDefinitions id: master_buff_kirac
You deal increased Damage, and have increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed.
BuffDefinitions id: master_buff_huck
BuffVisuals id(s): avians_flight, avians_flight_aura
You and your minions have increased Movement Speed.
BuffDefinitions id: bird_aspect_movement_speed
BuffVisuals id(s): avians_might, avians_might_aura
You and your minions have a chance to deal Double Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: bird_aspect_double_damage
BuffVisuals id(s): cats_stealth, mtx_polymorphed
You have increased Critical Strike Chance, a chance to avoid Damage, and are harder for enemies to see.
BuffDefinitions id: cats_stealth
Your form has been changed.
BuffDefinitions id: mtx_polymorphed
BuffVisuals id(s): cats_agility
You have increased Attack and Cast Speed.
BuffDefinitions id: cats_agility
BuffVisuals id(s): crab_aspect_stacking_buff_1
Aspect of the Crab grants you additional Physical Damage Reduction per Crab Barrier.
BuffDefinitions id: crab_aspect_stacking_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): spider_aspect_webs, bestiary_cocoon_web, bestiary_spider_hallucinate, demon_spider_web, tumour_spider_goo_tether, breach_boss_spider_web
Damage you take is increased.
BuffDefinitions id: spider_aspect_webs
You can break free from the web
BuffDefinitions id: bestiary_cocoon
You are Hallucinating
BuffDefinitions id: bestiary_spider_hallucinate
You are slowed.
BuffDefinitions id: demon_spider_webbed
BuffDefinitions id: spider_web_tether
You have reduced Movement Speed
BuffDefinitions id: spider_web_ground
[DNT] You are slowed by Black Goo. Move away from the Goo to break the strands.
BuffDefinitions id: tumour_spider_goo_tether
Movement speed [Slow|Slowed]. Moving far enough away from the web will break it.
BuffDefinitions id: breach_boss_spider_tether
BuffVisuals id(s): bestiary_crab_boss_roar
Craiceann's Roar reduces your damage, speed, and increases your damage taken.
BuffDefinitions id: best_crab_roar
BuffVisuals id(s): adrenaline
You deal increased Damage, and have increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed and additional Physical Damage Reduction.
BuffDefinitions id: adrenaline
BuffVisuals id(s): intimidating_cry, intimidating_cry_debuff, intimidating_cry_debuff_celestial, intimidating_cry_celestial
Enemies' armour is less effective against your hits
BuffDefinitions id: intimidating_cry
BuffVisuals id(s): curse_nova_fated_curse_immunity, curse_nova_fated_curse_immunity_player, spear_wall_stage
You are immune to Curses
BuffDefinitions id: elemental_warding_buff
You are unaffected by Curses
BuffDefinitions id: elemental_warding_buff_fated
BuffVisuals id(s): guardian_block_aura, guardian_spell_block_aura
You are being granted Block Chance by a Guardian
BuffDefinitions id: additional_block_if_attacked_recently
You are being granted Spell Block Chance by a Guardian
BuffDefinitions id: additional_spell_block_if_have_cast_spell_recently
BuffVisuals id(s): tailwind
Grants 1% increased movement speed, 3% increased [SkillSpeed|Skill Speed] and 15% increased [Evasion] Rating per stack. Maximum 10 stacks.
BuffDefinitions id: tailwind
BuffVisuals id(s): bestiary_agile_rhex_aura1, bestiary_agile_rhex_aura2, bestiary_regen_ursa_aura1, bestiary_regen_ursa_aura2, bestiary_fast_lynx_aura1, bestiary_fast_lynx_aura2, bestiary_tank_crab_aura, bestiary_cold_squid_aura, bestiary_poison_spider_aura, call_of_the_wild
Allies have a chance to avoid damage.
BuffDefinitions id: bestiary_agile_rhex_aura1
Allies have increased movement speed.
BuffDefinitions id: bestiary_agile_rhex_aura2
Allies cannot be slowed or stunned.
BuffDefinitions id: bestiary_regen_ursa_aura1
Allies deal increased damage.
BuffDefinitions id: bestiary_regen_ursa_aura2
Allies have increased attack speed.
BuffDefinitions id: bestiary_fast_lynx_aura1
Allies have increased accuracy and critical strike chance.
BuffDefinitions id: bestiary_fast_lynx_aura2
Allies take reduced damage and chill enemies when hit.
BuffDefinitions id: bestiary_tank_crab_aura
Allies deal extra cold damage and have a chance to blind on hit.
BuffDefinitions id: bestiary_cold_squid_aura
Allies poison on hit and deal extra chaos damage.
BuffDefinitions id: bestiary_poison_spider_aura
BuffDefinitions id: call_of_the_wild
BuffVisuals id(s): bestiary_spider_plated_webbed_with_poison
You are taking Chaos Damage over time and have reduced Movement Speed
BuffDefinitions id: bestiary_spider_web
BuffVisuals id(s): rage, skeletal_reaver_rage, bone_armour_buff_effect, rage_berserk_override
You gain more Attack Damage. You lose 1 Rage every 0.1 seconds if you have not been Hit or gained Rage in the last 2 seconds.
BuffDefinitions id: rage
BuffDefinitions id: bone_offering_hit_absorption
BuffVisuals id(s): soul_regeneration
BuffVisuals id(s): charged_dash_stack
[DNT] Your Charged Dash has more Damage when released.
BuffDefinitions id: charged_dash_stage
BuffVisuals id(s): ice_siphon_trap_debuff, ice_siphon_trap_buff
You are taking Cold Damage over Time from a Siphoning Trap
BuffDefinitions id: ice_siphon_trap_debuff
You are regenerating Life and Mana from a Siphoning Trap
BuffDefinitions id: ice_siphon_trap_regen_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): quicksand_display_buff_architect
The Breach consumes you, dealing Physical Damage over time.
BuffVisuals id(s): infernal_blow_new_debuff, infernal_blow_new_debuff_stygian, infernal_blow_new_debuff2_stygian, infernal_blow_new_debuff3_stygian
You will explode if killed, dealing fire damage based on your maximum life. If this debuff has charges, it will deal attack damage in an area around you when it expires or has 6 charges.
BuffDefinitions id: infernal_blow_new_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): vaal_earthquake_display
With each step, the earth trembles
BuffDefinitions id: vaal_earthquake_display_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): arc_damage_is_lucky, arc_damage_is_lucky_automaton, arc_damage_is_lucky_sulphite, arc_damage_is_lucky_celestial
Your Arc Damage is Lucky
BuffDefinitions id: arc_enhanced_behaviour
BuffVisuals id(s): cold_snap_chilled
You are taking cold damage over time from a Cold Snap
BuffDefinitions id: cold_snap_degen
You are taking cold damage over time from a Vaal Cold Snap
BuffDefinitions id: vaal_cold_snap_degen
You are taking cold damage over time from a Cold Snap
BuffDefinitions id: ground_archnemesis_cold_snap
BuffVisuals id(s): smite_aura, valkyrie_smite_aura, vaal_smite_aura, annihilation_smite_aura
Grants additional Lightning Damage and chance to Shock.
BuffDefinitions id: smite_buff
Grants additional Lightning Damage and chance to Shock, and Smite hits additional targets with lightning
BuffVisuals id(s): unique_perquils_toe_lucky_damage
You are Lucky when Damaging Enemies.
BuffDefinitions id: unique_nearby_allies_are_lucky
BuffVisuals id(s): static_strike_buff
You are charged with static energy.
BuffDefinitions id: static_strike_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): summoned_relic_regeneration
You're regenerating life.
BuffDefinitions id: holy_relic_life_regen
BuffVisuals id(s): herald_of_agony, herald_of_agony_blood_guard, herald_of_agony_faith_guard, herald_of_agony_celestial, herald_of_agony_demonic, herald_of_agony_empyrean, virulence
You have additional chance to Poison and deal More Poison Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: herald_of_agony
Your Agony Crawler minion gains bonuses based on your Virulence. Virulence is lost over time.
BuffDefinitions id: herald_of_agony_stack
BuffVisuals id(s): herald_of_light, herald_of_light_blood_guard, herald_of_light_faith_guard, herald_of_light_celestial, herald_of_light_demonic, herald_of_light_empyrean, herald_of_light_polaris_white, herald_of_light_dragon_hunter, stygian_herald_of_light, glimmerwood_herald_of_light, darkwood_herald_of_light, despair_herald_of_light, dominating_aura_convert, dominating_aura_skin, dominating_aura_death
You deal more physical damage.
BuffDefinitions id: herald_of_light
BuffVisuals id(s): virulent_arrow_counter
You're charging an arrow with verdant energy.
BuffDefinitions id: virulent_arrow_counter
BuffVisuals id(s): azurite_debuff
You are taking Cold Damage over time and have reduced Movement Speed.
BuffDefinitions id: azurite_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): reduced_enemy_resistance_from_item
You have reduced Fire Resistance.
BuffDefinitions id: reduced_enemy_fire_resistance_from_item
You have reduced Cold Resistance.
BuffDefinitions id: reduced_enemy_cold_resistance_from_item
You have reduced Lightning Resistance.
BuffDefinitions id: reduced_enemy_lightning_resistance_from_item
You have reduced Chaos Resistance.
BuffDefinitions id: reduced_enemy_chaos_resistance_from_item
You take increased Physical Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: increased_enemy_physical_damage_taken_from_item
You have reduced Fire Resistance.
BuffDefinitions id: reduced_enemy_fire_resistance_from_hellscape_item
You have reduced Cold Resistance.
BuffDefinitions id: reduced_enemy_cold_resistance_from_hellscape_item
You have reduced Lightning Resistance.
BuffDefinitions id: reduced_enemy_lightning_resistance_from_hellscape_item
You have reduced Chaos Resistance.
BuffDefinitions id: reduced_enemy_chaos_resistance_from_hellscape_item
You take increased Physical Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: increased_enemy_physical_damage_taken_from_hellscape_item
You take increased Elemental Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: increased_enemy_elemental_damage_taken_from_item
BuffVisuals id(s): nearby_enemy_delve_unique
You recover slower from being stunned.
BuffDefinitions id: unique_nearby_enemies_reduced_stun_recovery
You provide extra flask charges when killed.
BuffDefinitions id: unique_nearby_enemies_increased_flask_charges
Enemies have increased Critical Strike chance against you.
BuffDefinitions id: unique_nearby_enemies_new_increased_chance_crit
Enemies have increased Critical Strike chance against you.
BuffDefinitions id: unique_nearby_enemies_increased_chance_crit
You have reduced Resistances.
BuffDefinitions id: unique_reduced_enemy_all_resistance
BuffVisuals id(s): impale, jagged_ground, ground_jagged_slow
You're impaled by a hit, and will take a portion of that reflected hit damage when you are hit again
BuffDefinitions id: impaled_debuff
Debuff [Slow|Slows] movement speed
BuffDefinitions id: jagged_ground
Your movement speed is reduced while standing on Unstable Ground
BuffVisuals id(s): einhar_life_aura
Einhar is granting you life regeneration, life leech and life on kill.
BuffDefinitions id: einhar_life_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): focus
You are focused. Item modifiers may provide bonuses based on this.
BuffDefinitions id: focus
BuffDefinitions id: brand_detonate_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): frost_fury_stages
Your Winter Orb has built up stages, letting you pelt nearby enemies with projectiles faster.
BuffDefinitions id: frost_fury_stage
BuffVisuals id(s): bloodstained_banner, bloodstained_banner_debuff
You have more Attack Damage, and increased Accuracy.
BuffDefinitions id: bloodstained_banner_buff_aura
Physical damage you take is increased.
BuffDefinitions id: bloodstained_banner_debuff_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): puresteel_banner
A Banner is granting you more Stun and Elemental Ailment threshold, as well as Flask charge generation
BuffDefinitions id: puresteel_banner_buff_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): puresteel_banner_debuff
You are less accurate.
BuffDefinitions id: puresteel_banner_debuff_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): armourevasion_banner, armourevasion_banner_debuff
You have more Armour and Evasion, and increased Movement Speed.
BuffDefinitions id: armour_evasion_banner_buff_aura
Your Critical Strike Chance is reduced.
BuffDefinitions id: armour_evasion_banner_debuff_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): banner_stage
Your Banner is gaining stages while you carry it.
BuffDefinitions id: bloodstained_banner_stage
Your Banner is gaining stages while you carry it.
BuffDefinitions id: puresteel_banner_stage
Your Banner is gaining stages while you carry it.
BuffDefinitions id: armour_evasion_banner_stage
BuffVisuals id(s): conduit_sigil
You are Branded, firing beams which deal damage to you and those around you
BuffDefinitions id: conduit_sigil
BuffVisuals id(s): shapers_presence
Effects on you and nearby allies expire slower.
BuffDefinitions id: shapers_presence
BuffVisuals id(s): summoned_spider_buff
Each of your Raised Spiders is granting you increased Attack Speed and increased Damage with Poison
BuffDefinitions id: summoned_spider_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): armageddon_brand
You are Branded, causing fiery meteors to fall from the sky around you
BuffDefinitions id: cataclysm_sigil
BuffVisuals id(s): champion_master_of_metal
You deal additional physical damage for each Impale on enemies you hit
BuffDefinitions id: champion_damage_against_impaled
BuffVisuals id(s): overpowered
Your chance to block attack and spell hits is lowered.
BuffDefinitions id: overpowered_reduced_block_chance
BuffVisuals id(s): arctic_breath_ground
You are taking cold damage over time from Creeping Frost's chilling area
BuffDefinitions id: arctic_breath_cold_damage_over_time
BuffVisuals id(s): scorched, scorched_battle_pass_legacy_of_fury
BuffDefinitions id: scorched
You are warming yourself by the fire.
BuffDefinitions id: ascent_warming_up
BuffDefinitions id: unique_legacy_of_fury_scorched
BuffVisuals id(s): brittle
BuffDefinitions id: frostburn
BuffVisuals id(s): sapped, screech_snipe_debuff
BuffDefinitions id: sapped
You are affected by Aukuna's Hunt. Aukuna will fire additional projectiles at you. Keep moving!
BuffDefinitions id: screech_snipe_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): unique_life_regen_aura_from_block
You are regenerating Life
BuffDefinitions id: unique_life_regen_aura_from_block
BuffVisuals id(s): soulrend, yama_soulrend, voodoo_king_soulrend
You are taking Chaos Damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: soulrend
BuffVisuals id(s): quicksand_display_buff_synthesis, quicksand_display_buff_maven
You are slowed and taking physical damage over time.
You are slowed and taking Cold Damage over time.
You are slowed and taking Cold Damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: maven_void_ground
BuffVisuals id(s): dark_ritual
You are taking Chaos Damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: dark_ritual
BuffVisuals id(s): storm_barrier_support_damage
You deal more Damage of types matching your Channelled Skill's Gem's tags
BuffDefinitions id: storm_barrier_support_damage
BuffVisuals id(s): player_aura_spell_damage
Grants more spell damage, and increased spell critical strike chance. Create consecrated ground when you hit Rare or Unique enemies
BuffDefinitions id: player_aura_spell_damage
BuffVisuals id(s): divine_tempest_stage
You're gathering energy from all around you, preparing to unleash it.
BuffDefinitions id: divine_tempest_stage
BuffVisuals id(s): player_aura_damage_over_time
Grants more Damage over Time, and increased skill duration
BuffDefinitions id: player_aura_damage_over_time
BuffVisuals id(s): cold_soulrend
You are taking Cold Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: soulrend_cold
BuffVisuals id(s): fire_exposure, fire_exposure_all, reduced_fire_resistance_stygian, reduced_fire_resistance_celestial, reduced_fire_resistance_rolling_storm
Debuff inflicts lowered [Resistances|Fire Resistance]
BuffDefinitions id: exposure_fire
BuffVisuals id(s): cold_exposure, cold_exposure_all, reduced_cold_resistance_stygian, reduced_cold_resistance_celestial, reduced_cold_resistance_rolling_storm
Debuff inflicts lowered [Resistances|Cold Resistance]
BuffDefinitions id: exposure_cold
BuffVisuals id(s): ghost_dance, ghost_dance_reserve
You have Ghost Shrouds.
BuffDefinitions id: ghost_dance_stacks
BuffDefinitions id: ghost_dance_reserve
BuffVisuals id(s): synthesis_decay_effect, synthesis_camera_lens, synthesis_slow
You are slowed while in the decayed area of the Memory. You will be removed from the Memory if you travel too far into the decayed area.
BuffDefinitions id: synthesis_decay_effect
You are slowed and taking Cold Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: synthesis_camera_lens_debuff
You have reduced Action Speed
BuffDefinitions id: synthesis_boss_slow
BuffVisuals id(s): divinity, high_templar_robes_icon
You are larger, deal more Elemental Damage, take less Elemental Damage and are immune to Curses.
BuffDefinitions id: divinity
You cannot deal Critical Strikes
BuffDefinitions id: high_templar_unique_aura_cannot_crit
Your Action Speed cannot be modified to below base value
BuffDefinitions id: high_templar_unique_aura_cannot_be_slowed
BuffVisuals id(s): synthesis_turret_charge_projectile_target
You have been marked. Filimites in the arena will fire projectiles at you as you move or charge up a larger projectile while you are stationary.
BuffDefinitions id: synthesis_turret_charge_projectile_target
BuffVisuals id(s): storm_burst_orb_count
You have Storm Burst orbs that will explode when you stop channelling
BuffDefinitions id: storm_burst_orb_count
BuffVisuals id(s): quick_guard, quick_guard_stygian, quick_guard_maven
A percentage of all Damage from Hits is taken from this buff before your Life or Energy Shield.
BuffDefinitions id: quick_guard
BuffVisuals id(s): bone_armour, bone_armour_self
A percentage of all Damage from Hits is taken from this buff before your Life or Energy Shield. You are Immune to Bleeding.
BuffDefinitions id: bone_armour
BuffVisuals id(s): quick_block, eternal_empire_banner, rampage, atlas_banner_aura, atlas_banner_aura_secondary, heist_military_shield_wall_aura, heist_robot_crucible_buff, heist_robot_skitterbot_buff, heist_robot_argus_buff, heist_twin_vic_enrage, heist_twin_vin_enrage, heist_freidrich_bloodpool_blood, maven_boss_buff, maven_boss_heal, maven_decay_on_hit, maven_clone_visual, bramble_hulk_enrage, archnemesis_trickster, cleansing_fire_phantasm_possession, altar_physical_to_fire, altar_physical_to_cold, altar_physical_to_lightning, altar_physical_to_chaos, beetle_boss_buff
BuffDefinitions id: quick_block
You are dealing increased Damage, have increased Attack and Cast speed and take reduced Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: legion_banner_aura
BuffDefinitions id: rampage_stack
You are faster
BuffDefinitions id: maven_boss_buff
You are moving and attacking faster
BuffDefinitions id: bramble_hulk_enrage
BuffVisuals id(s): cyclone_channelled_stage
You have stages from channelling Cyclone. These charges will be lost while not channelling.
BuffDefinitions id: cyclone_channelled_stage
BuffVisuals id(s): bladestorm_sandstorm
You are in a Sand Bladestorm, granting you increased movement speed.
BuffDefinitions id: bladestorm_sandstorm
BuffVisuals id(s): bladestorm_bloodstorm
You are in a Blood Bladestorm
BuffDefinitions id: bladestorm_bloodstorm
BuffVisuals id(s): sand_stance, sand_stance_sunrise
You are in Sand Stance, deal less area damage with melee attacks, and have more area of effect with melee attacks.
BuffDefinitions id: sand_stance
You are in Sand Stance. You have a chance to Blind on hit with attacks.
BuffDefinitions id: sand_triggered
BuffVisuals id(s): blood_stance, blood_stance_sunrise
You are in Blood Stance, deal more area damage with melee attacks, and have less area of effect with melee attacks.
BuffDefinitions id: blood_stance
You are in Blood Stance. You have a chance to Bleed on hit with attacks.
BuffDefinitions id: blood_triggered
BuffVisuals id(s): double_slash_stage
BuffVisuals id(s): shrine_resonating
You have a chance to gain a Power, Frenzy or Endurance Charge on Hit and on Kill, and gain extra bonuses from Charges.
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_resonating
BuffVisuals id(s): berserk, monster_mod_periodic_enrage, archnemesis_rampage_minion
You deal more damage, have more attack speed, more movement speed and take less damage.
BuffDefinitions id: berserk
You have increased Damage, Action Speed and reduced Damage taken.
BuffDefinitions id: monster_mod_periodic_enrage
BuffDefinitions id: archnemesis_rampage_minion
BuffVisuals id(s): sand_armour, sand_armour_sunrise
You are in Sand Stance, nearby enemies are blinded and you take less damage from enemies which are not nearby.
BuffDefinitions id: sand_armour
BuffVisuals id(s): blood_armour, blood_armour_sunrise
You are in Blood Stance, nearby enemies are maimed and take increased physical damage.
BuffDefinitions id: blood_armour
BuffVisuals id(s): attached_retract_arrow
You have been punctured by Lioneye's Arrows. It will cause Bleeding and Maim when he retracts them out of you.
BuffDefinitions id: attached_retract_arrow
BuffVisuals id(s): blitz_charge
You gain bonuses from your Ascendancy for having Blitz Charges
BuffDefinitions id: blitz_charge
BuffVisuals id(s): slayer_crit_multi_aura
Your critical strike multiplier is lower while near a Slayer.
BuffDefinitions id: slayer_crit_multi_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): flicker_strike
You have increased Movement Speed
BuffDefinitions id: flicker_strike_speed_boost
BuffVisuals id(s): legion_flask_lasso
You are being slowed by Aukuna's Lasso and are losing flask charges! Run away to break the tether.
BuffDefinitions id: flask_draining_lasso
BuffVisuals id(s): korea_pc_bang
You are currently receiving some Stash Tabs and Cosmetic Microtransactions because you are playing from a PC Bang. Once the league's Mystery Box has been released, you will receive a free Mystery Box every six hours. There is a maximum of 10 free boxes.
BuffDefinitions id: korea_pc_bang
BuffVisuals id(s): challenger_charge
You gain bonuses from your Ascendancy for having Challenger Charges
BuffDefinitions id: challenger_charge
BuffVisuals id(s): combat_rush
Your next Travel skill will be faster. Doesn't apply to skills supported by Close Combat Support.
BuffDefinitions id: support_slashing_movement_skill_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): siphon_celestial, siphon_scientist, siphon_project, siphon_sunprism
BuffVisuals id(s): slither, slither_demonic
You have Phasing, and Withering Step's cooldown does not recover. This buff will be removed when you use a skill or lose Elusive.
BuffDefinitions id: slither
BuffVisuals id(s): guardian_radiant_crusade_buff
You deal more Damage
BuffDefinitions id: guardian_damage_final
BuffVisuals id(s): guardian_unwavering_crusade_buff
You have increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed, have increased Area of Effect and Intimidate and Unnerve Enemies on Hit
BuffDefinitions id: guardian_damage_speed_area_intimidate
BuffVisuals id(s): elusive, elusive_demonic
You have increased Movement Speed, and additional chance to avoid damage. This buff's effects are reduced over time.
BuffDefinitions id: elusive
BuffVisuals id(s): puppet_master
Your Minions deal more Damage and have increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed
BuffDefinitions id: puppet_master
BuffVisuals id(s): necromancer_regen_aura
You have Mana and Energy Shield Regeneration per nearby corpse
BuffDefinitions id: necromancer_regen_aura_from_nearby_corpses
BuffVisuals id(s): necromancer_damage_debuff, necromancer_plaguebringer_buff
You deal reduced Damage
BuffDefinitions id: necromancer_enemy_damage
You deal more Damage
BuffDefinitions id: necromancer_damage_final
BuffVisuals id(s): corrosive_shroud_buff_at_max_damage
BuffVisuals id(s): corrosive_shroud_buff_aura_active, corrosive_shroud_aura, corrosive_shroud_aura_stygian, corrosive_shroud_aura_celestial
You are taking damage from an enemy Infecting with Plague Bearer
BuffDefinitions id: corrosive_shroud_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): minion_focus_fire_target, minion_other_player_focus_fire_target
You have been signalled to be prey, causing an enemy's predator minions to target you.
BuffDefinitions id: minion_focussed_fire_target
BuffVisuals id(s): lightning_explosion_mine_debuff, lightning_explosion_mine_stygian
Nearby Enemy Mines are increasing the Damage you take
BuffDefinitions id: lightning_explosion_mine_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): skitterbots
Your Skitterbots are granting you more Trap and Mine Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: skitterbots_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): remote_mine_2_aura
Nearby Enemy Mines are giving Hits against you a chance to deal Double Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: remote_mine_2_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): cold_projectile_mine, cold_projectile_mine_stygian
Nearby Enemy Mines are increasing the Critical Strike Chance of Hits against you.
BuffDefinitions id: cold_projectile_mine_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): mortar_barrage_mine, mortar_barrage_mine_stygian
Nearby Enemy Mines are adding Fire Damage to Hits against you.
BuffDefinitions id: mortar_barrage_mine_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): mamba_strike_initial_debuff
If you die under the effect of this buff, surrounding targets will take chaos damage over time based on the Poisons on you.
BuffDefinitions id: mamba_strike_initial_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): mamba_strike_damage
You are taking chaos damage over time from Pestilent Strike.
BuffDefinitions id: mamba_strike_damage
You are taking chaos damage over time from Pestilent Strike.
BuffDefinitions id: pestilent_slash_damage
BuffVisuals id(s): blight_tower_aura_buff_players
You have increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed.
BuffDefinitions id: blight_tower_aura_buff_players
You have increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed, and increased Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: blight_tower_aura_buff_players_buff1
You have increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed, increased Damage and increased Critical Strike Chance.
BuffDefinitions id: blight_tower_aura_buff_players_buff2
You have increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed, increased Damage, increased Critical Strike Chance and increased Life Regeneration.
BuffDefinitions id: blight_tower_aura_buff_players_buff3
BuffVisuals id(s): snapping_adder_projectile, vaal_snapping_adder
You have Venom Gyre blades ready to be thrown with Whirling Blades
BuffDefinitions id: snapping_adder_projectile
Vaal Venom Gyre is creating caught projectiles.
BuffDefinitions id: vaal_snapping_adder
BuffVisuals id(s): carrion_golem_buff
Your Carrion Golem is granting additional Physical Damage for Non-Golem Minions
BuffDefinitions id: bone_golem_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): fungal_ground
You deal less Damage due to enemy Fungal Ground.
BuffDefinitions id: fungal_ground
You gain a percentage of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage while on allied Fungal Ground.
BuffDefinitions id: fungal_ground_allies
You are taking Chaos Damage over Time and have reduced movement speed.
BuffDefinitions id: ground_fungal_artillery
You have reduced movement speed.
BuffDefinitions id: debuff_fungal_howl
BuffVisuals id(s): chieftain_physical_as_fire_for_3_sec
Gain extra Fire Damage based on Physical Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: chieftain_physical_as_fire_for_3_sec
BuffVisuals id(s): herald_of_agony_polaris_white, herald_of_agony_dragon_hunter, stygian_herald_of_agony, glimmerwood_herald_of_agony, darkwood_herald_of_agony, despair_herald_of_agony
BuffVisuals id(s): atlas_exile_crusader_aura, atlas_crusader_cleric_aura
You are taking Lightning Damage and losing Mana.
BuffDefinitions id: atlas_exile_crusader_aura
You are taking Lightning Damage and losing Mana.
BuffDefinitions id: atlas_exile_crusader_aura_influence
You are dealing a portion of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage and have higher chance to Shock.
BuffDefinitions id: atlas_crusader_cleric_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): burning_arrow_additional_burning, burning_arrow_additional_burning_mystic
You are taking fire damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: burning_arrow_additional_burn
BuffVisuals id(s): ensnaring_arrow_tether, rune_paint_slow
Movement speed [Slow|Slowed]. Moving far enough away from the tether will break it.
BuffDefinitions id: tethered_debuff
You are slowed by an Ensnaring Arrow. Move away from the arrow to break the Snare.
BuffDefinitions id: legionnaire_arrow_tether
BuffDefinitions id: ice_bind_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): eye_of_desire_increased_resistances
You have increased Fire and Cold Resistances
BuffDefinitions id: eye_of_desire_increased_resistances
BuffVisuals id(s): phantasm_buff
Your spells deal additional physical damage.
BuffDefinitions id: phantasm_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): arcane_cloak, arcane_cloak_void_emperor
Grants Added Lightning Damage, and a percentage of damage from hits will be taken from this buff before your Life or Energy Shield.
BuffDefinitions id: arcane_cloak
BuffVisuals id(s): intimidated
You are Intimidated, increasing Damage taken and reducing Damage dealt
BuffDefinitions id: intimidated
You are Intimidated, increasing Damage taken and reducing Damage dealt
BuffDefinitions id: intimidated_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): unnerved
You are Unnerved, increasing Spell Damage taken.
BuffDefinitions id: unnerved
BuffVisuals id(s): affliction_debuff
You're going gloriously mad. You will be repeatedly touched in random ways.
BuffDefinitions id: glorious_madness
BuffVisuals id(s): affliction_debuff_life_and_es_recovery_rate, hellscape_pale_boss_recovery_debuff
You have reduced Life and Energy Shield Recovery Rate. This debuff is removed when you stop being Delirious.
BuffDefinitions id: affliction_debuff_life_and_es_recovery_rate
You have reduced Life, Energy Shield and Mana Recovery Rate.
BuffDefinitions id: hellscape_pale_boss_recovery_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): affliction_debuff_action_speed
You are slowed. This debuff is removed when you stop being Delirious.
BuffDefinitions id: affliction_debuff_action_speed
BuffVisuals id(s): affliction_debuff_damage_taken
You are taking increased Damage. This debuff is removed when you stop being Delirious.
BuffDefinitions id: affliction_debuff_damage_taken
BuffVisuals id(s): affliction_debuff_flask_effect_and_charge_gain
You are gaining less Flask Charges and your Flasks have reduced Effect. This debuff is removed when you stop being Delirious.
BuffDefinitions id: affliction_debuff_flask_effect_and_charge_gain
BuffVisuals id(s): vomit_chunk_stew
You are slowed for each stack of this Debuff.
BuffDefinitions id: vomit_chunk_stew
BuffVisuals id(s): spellslinger
You will trigger spells when you fire wand projectiles.
BuffDefinitions id: spellslinger
BuffVisuals id(s): affliction_boss_deathzone_inner_degen
You are taking Lightning Damage over Time
BuffDefinitions id: affliction_boss_final_degen_interal
You have 30% less action speed.
BuffDefinitions id: lightning_volatile_slow
BuffVisuals id(s): affliction_boss_deathzone_outer_degen
You have reduced movement speed and are taking Cold Damage over Time
BuffDefinitions id: affliction_boss_final_degen_external
BuffVisuals id(s): seismic_cry, seismic_cry_celestial
You can stun enemies more easily.
BuffDefinitions id: seismic_cry
BuffVisuals id(s): ancestral_cry, ancestral_cry_celestial
You have bonus melee range and armour.
BuffDefinitions id: ancestral_cry
BuffVisuals id(s): penance_brand_charge, penance_brand_many_charge, penance_brand, penance_brand_celestial_charge, penance_brand_celestial_many_charges
You have been energised by a Penance Brand.
BuffDefinitions id: magma_pustule
You are Branded. and will gain energy over time. When the brand is removed, the energy will explode.
BuffDefinitions id: magma_sigil
BuffVisuals id(s): fragile_regrowth
You regenerate life based on how much Fragile Regrowth you have.
BuffDefinitions id: fragile_regrowth
BuffVisuals id(s): infernal_cry, infernal_cry_celestial
You will explode if you die with this debuff.
BuffDefinitions id: infernal_cry
BuffVisuals id(s): harvest_crab_screech_debuff
You take increased Cold Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: harvest_crab_screech_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): harvest_plague_spider_slow, harvest_beast_roar_debuff
You are slowed.
BuffDefinitions id: harvest_plague_spider_slow
You are slowed.
BuffDefinitions id: harvest_beast_roar_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): winter_brand_primary, winter_brand_secondary, wintertide_brand, winter_brand_celestial_primary, winter_brand_celestial_secondary
You are taking cold damage over time from a Wintertide Brand.
BuffDefinitions id: immolation_brand_burn
You are taking cold damage over time from being near an ending Wintertide Brand effect.
BuffDefinitions id: immolation_brand_burn_secondary
You are Branded.
BuffDefinitions id: immolation_sigil
BuffVisuals id(s): rallying_cry, rallying_cry_celestial
A portion of your ally's weapon damage is being added to you
BuffDefinitions id: rallying_cry_new_weapon_damage_added
BuffVisuals id(s): harvest_boss_raven_screech_debuff
Shocks on you have increased effect and duration, and can increase damage taken to a higher value than normal.
BuffDefinitions id: harvest_boss_raven_screech
BuffVisuals id(s): keystone_impale_cannot_be_impaled
You cannot be impaled again, and Call of Steel cannot remove impale debuffs from you.
BuffDefinitions id: keystone_impale_cannot_be_impaled
BuffVisuals id(s): alchemists_genius
Flasks have increased effect on you, and you gain an increased number of Flask Charges.
BuffDefinitions id: alchemists_genius
BuffVisuals id(s): arcanist_brand
You are Branded.
BuffDefinitions id: trigger_sigil
BuffVisuals id(s): debilitate_debuff, vaal_goliath_destabilise
Debuff [Slow|Slows] movement speed and inflicts less damage dealt
BuffDefinitions id: debilitate
[DNT] Being slowed as a result of destability
BuffDefinitions id: vaal_goliath_destabilise
BuffVisuals id(s): malediction_debuff
BuffDefinitions id: malediction
BuffVisuals id(s): berserker_war_bringer
Your Exerted Attacks deal more Attack Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: berserker_more_empowered_attack_damage
BuffVisuals id(s): crown_of_thorns_ground, crown_of_thorns_stacking
You are taking Physical and Fire Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: crown_of_thorns_ground
You have reduced physical damage reduction and maximum resistances.
BuffDefinitions id: crown_of_thorns_stacking
BuffVisuals id(s): spectral_wolf_pack
Your Spectral Wolves are granting you additional Physical Damage with Attacks
BuffDefinitions id: spectral_wolf_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): oshabi_blue_aura
You take increased damage from Oshabi's Primal skills
BuffDefinitions id: oshabi_blue_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): oshabi_green_aura
You take increased damage from Oshabi's Vivid skills
BuffDefinitions id: oshabi_green_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): oshabi_red_aura
You take increased damage from Oshabi's Wild skills
BuffDefinitions id: oshabi_red_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): frostglobe_damage_absorb, frostglobe_max_stages, frostglobe_degen
The Frost Shield will take some damage for you.
BuffDefinitions id: frostglobe_absorb_damage
BuffVisuals id(s): steel_skill_ammo, steel_charge_temple
Steel Shards are consumed by some attack skills.
BuffDefinitions id: steel_skill_ammo_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): circle_of_power_buff, circle_of_power_buff_divine
You are standing in a Sigil of Power
BuffDefinitions id: circle_of_power_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): corpse_walk_display_buff
While you are moving, you spawn corpses beneath you each second.
BuffDefinitions id: corpse_walk_display_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): death_wish, death_wish_display_stages
A number of your minions are affected by Death Wish.
BuffDefinitions id: death_wish_display_stages
BuffVisuals id(s): ground_caustic_yellow, ground_caustic_maggot, cannibal_shaman_buff, rooted_spore_ground
You are taking lightning and chaos damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: rooted_spore_ground
BuffVisuals id(s): steel_charge
You have additional chance to Block Projectile Attack Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: steel_charge
BuffVisuals id(s): shattered_shield_buff
You cannot block and gain no defences from equipped shield. Your spells deal added physical damage based on shield quality.
BuffDefinitions id: shattered_shield
BuffVisuals id(s): scorching_conflux
All of your damage Scorches.
BuffDefinitions id: scorching_conflux
BuffVisuals id(s): sapping_conflux
All of your damage Saps.
BuffDefinitions id: sapping_conflux
BuffVisuals id(s): brittle_conflux
All of your damage inflicts Brittle.
BuffDefinitions id: brittle_conflux
BuffVisuals id(s): pirate_boss_ghostfire_degen
You are taking fire damage over time The light of the dead Burns flesh from thy mortal frame Only bones remain
BuffDefinitions id: pirate_boss_ghostfire_degen
You are taking fire damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: ghostfire_self_burn
BuffVisuals id(s): elementalist_convergence
You deal more Elemental Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: convergence
BuffVisuals id(s): aegis_primal
Elemental Damage from Hits is taken from this Aegis before your Life or Energy Shield. The Aegis will be restored to full value if you take no Elemental Damage from Hits for a while.
BuffDefinitions id: aegis_primal_buff
The Aegis is depleted. It will be restored to full value after a short delay.
BuffDefinitions id: aegis_primal_depleted
[ElementalDamage|Elemental Damage] from [HitDamage|Hits] is taken from this [Buff] before your Life or [EnergyShield|Energy Shield].
BuffDefinitions id: aegis_spell_buff
The [Buff] is depleted. It will be restored to full value after a short delay.
BuffDefinitions id: aegis_spell_depleted
BuffVisuals id(s): flame_golem_respawn
Your Flame Golem will be revived soon
BuffDefinitions id: flame_golem_revive_display_buff
Your Infernal Familiar will be revived soon
BuffDefinitions id: infernal_familiar_revive_display_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): ice_golem_respawn
Your Ice Golem will be revived soon
BuffDefinitions id: ice_golem_revive_display_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): lightning_golem_respawn
Your Lightning Golem will be revived soon
BuffDefinitions id: lightning_golem_revive_display_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): stone_golem_respawn
Your Stone Golem will be revived soon
BuffDefinitions id: stone_golem_revive_display_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): chaos_golem_respawn
Your Chaos Golem will be revived soon
BuffDefinitions id: chaos_golem_revive_display_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): carrion_golem_respawn
Your Carrion Golem will be revived soon
BuffDefinitions id: carrion_golem_revive_display_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): gathering_winds_stacks
Winds gather around you.
BuffDefinitions id: gathering_winds_stacking_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): sacrificial_zeal
BuffVisuals id(s): fanatacism_charge
You gain bonuses from your Ascendancy for having Fanatic Charges
BuffDefinitions id: fanaticism_charge
BuffVisuals id(s): fanatacism
Spells you cast yourself have more Cast Speed, reduced Cost, and increased Area of Effect
BuffDefinitions id: fanaticism
BuffVisuals id(s): rupture
BuffVisuals id(s): atlas_sulphite_mined_buff
You have increased Movement Speed and Damage, and additional maximum Elemental Resistances
BuffDefinitions id: atlas_sulphite_mined_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): ritual_ice_beam
You are taking Cold Damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: ritual_cold_rune_daemon_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): ritual_golden_coin_buff, archnemesis_greed
Items dropped by slain enemies have vastly increased quantity and rarity. You also take increased damage.
BuffDefinitions id: ritual_golden_coin_buff
You take increased damage and are slower as punishment for your greed
BuffDefinitions id: archnemesis_greed_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): vampiric_icon
You deal more damage with Bleeding.
BuffDefinitions id: vampiric_icon_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): demigods_increased_item_rarity_aura
You have increased item rarity
BuffDefinitions id: demigods_increased_item_rarity_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): brutal_charge
Players gain a chance to deal Triple Damage and increased Stun Threshold for each Brutal Charge they have.
BuffDefinitions id: brutal_charge
BuffVisuals id(s): affliction_charge
Players gain more Damage with Ailments and more Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments for each Affliction Charge they have.
BuffDefinitions id: affliction_charge
BuffVisuals id(s): absorption_charge
Players Recoup a percentage of Elemental Damage they take as Energy Shield for each Absorption Charge they have.
BuffDefinitions id: absorption_charge
BuffVisuals id(s): wet
You have been Drenched by a Water Sphere, and can be damaged by it's pulses.
BuffDefinitions id: wet
BuffVisuals id(s): ritual_blood_totem_degen
You are taking Physical Damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: ritual_blood_totem_degen
BuffVisuals id(s): quicksand_display_buff_ritual, ultimatum_pale_ape_degen_aura, ultimatum_pale_ape_degen_aura_ruin
You are slowed and your life recovery is lowered.
You are taking Physical Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: ultimatum_pale_ape_degen_aura
You are taking Physical Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: ultimatum_pale_ape_degen_aura_ruin
BuffVisuals id(s): ritual_speed_daemon
You are faster
BuffDefinitions id: ritual_generic_speed_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): ritual_chaos_vines
You are slowed and taking chaos damage from vines. Move to break them.
BuffDefinitions id: toxic_grasping_vines
Movement speed [Slow|Slowed] and taking [Chaos] damage over time. Moving breaks the vines.
BuffDefinitions id: archnemesis_grasping_vines_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): unhinge
You are no longer Sane.
BuffDefinitions id: unhinged
BuffVisuals id(s): sirus_influence
Sirus has imbued you, increasing your speed and causing your non-Chaos Damage to deal extra Chaos Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: sirus_influence
BuffVisuals id(s): ultimatum_ruin
You have Ruin. On reaching 7 Ruin, you will fail the Trials
BuffDefinitions id: ultimatum_ruin
BuffVisuals id(s): maven_memory_game_degen
You are slowed and taking Fire, Cold and Lightning damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: maven_memory_game_degen
Your maximum Elemental Resistances are lower and you cannot recover Life or Energy Shield
BuffDefinitions id: maven_rotating_beam_debuff
Your maximum Elemental Resistances are lower and you cannot recover Life or Energy Shield
BuffDefinitions id: maven_cutter_beam_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): blood_tendrils, blood_tendrils_transcendence, blood_tendrils_mercurial, blood_tendrils_bloodmage
You are taking Physical Damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: blood_tendrils
You are taking Fire Damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: blood_tendrils_fire
BuffVisuals id(s): corrupted_blood_stream, corrupted_blood_stream_heritage
Your Corrupting Fever skill applies Corrupted Blood when you hit enemies.
BuffDefinitions id: blood_surge
BuffVisuals id(s): ultimatum_vulnerability
You are taking increased damage. The effect of this increases every second
BuffDefinitions id: ultimatum_vulnerability
Hits against you impact 50% more Resolve
BuffDefinitions id: sanctum_resolve_vulnerability
BuffVisuals id(s): cruelty
Skills supported by Cruelty Support deal more damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: cruelty
BuffVisuals id(s): vortex_lightning
You are taking damage from a Lightning Vortex
BuffDefinitions id: lightning_vortex
You are taking damage from a Vortex
BuffDefinitions id: ground_vortex_lightning_ruin
BuffVisuals id(s): petrified_blood
When hit, a percentage of the life you would lose from the bottom half of your life is not lost immediately, then you lose life over 4 seconds based on the prevented loss. Your skills cost life as well as mana while you are above low life, and you can only go above low life by using flasks.
BuffDefinitions id: petrified_blood
BuffVisuals id(s): blood_scythe_degen, blood_scythe_charge, starfall_blood_scythe_degen, starfall_blood_scythe_charge, vaal_reap, vine_blood_scythe_degen, vine_blood_scythe_charge
You are taking Physical Damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: blood_scythe_degen
You are taking Fire Damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: blood_scythe_degen_fire
These charges are granted by and affect your Reap skill.
BuffDefinitions id: blood_scythe_charge
You have additional maximum Blood Charges.
BuffDefinitions id: vaal_reap_maximum_blood_charges
BuffVisuals id(s): ulimatum_daemon_beam_fire_damage
You are taking Fire Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: ulimatum_daemon_beam_fire_damage
BuffVisuals id(s): ulimatum_daemon_beam_cold_damage
You are taking Cold Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: ulimatum_daemon_beam_cold_damage
BuffVisuals id(s): ulimatum_daemon_beam_lightning_damage
You are taking Lightning Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: ulimatum_daemon_beam_lightning_damage
BuffVisuals id(s): ulimatum_daemon_beam_chaos_damage
You are taking Chaos Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: ulimatum_daemon_beam_chaos_damage
BuffVisuals id(s): ulimatum_daemon_beam_ruin
You are taking Fire Damage over time and periodically gaining Ruin
BuffDefinitions id: ulimatum_daemon_beam_fire_damage_and_ruin
You are taking Cold Damage over time and periodically gaining Ruin
BuffDefinitions id: ulimatum_daemon_beam_cold_damage_and_ruin
You are taking Lightning Damage over time and periodically gaining Ruin
BuffDefinitions id: ulimatum_daemon_beam_lightning_damage_and_ruin
You are taking Chaos Damage over time and periodically gaining Ruin
BuffDefinitions id: ulimatum_daemon_beam_chaos_damage_and_ruin
BuffVisuals id(s): SilentSpiresApparition_slow
You Are Being Slowed by Zarokh's Temporal Ball.
BuffDefinitions id: SilentSpiresApparition_slow
You Are Being Slowed by Zarokh's Temporal Ball.
BuffDefinitions id: SilentSpiresApparition_slow_minigame
BuffVisuals id(s): green_hinder
BuffVisuals id(s): lightning_spear_stage
BuffDefinitions id: lightning_spear_stage
BuffVisuals id(s): retreating_strike
You deal more Projectile Attack Damage with Spear Attacks
BuffDefinitions id: retreating_strike
BuffVisuals id(s): advancing_strike
You deal more Melee Damage with Spear Attacks
BuffDefinitions id: advancing_strike
BuffVisuals id(s): fire_spear
You are taking Fire Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: fire_spear
BuffVisuals id(s): everlasting_sacrifice
You have additional Maximum Resistances
BuffDefinitions id: keystone_everlasting_sacrifice_resistance
BuffVisuals id(s): lifetap_buff
Your flasks recover increased amounts of life.
BuffDefinitions id: lifetap_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): ultimatum_physical_charge
You are faster, leech Life from Physical Attack Damage and deal increased Physical Damage, but are taking Physical Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: ultimatum_physical_charge
BuffVisuals id(s): ultimatum_elemental_charge
[DNT] You are faster, DO NOT leech Life from Elemental Damage and deal increased Elemental Damage, but are taking Fire Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: ultimatum_elemental_charge
BuffVisuals id(s): ultimatum_deal_no_damage_effect
You and your Minions are dealing no damage.
BuffDefinitions id: ultimatum_deal_no_damage
BuffVisuals id(s): defiance
You defy pain, up to a point.
BuffDefinitions id: defiance
BuffVisuals id(s): ultimatum_chaos_degenzone
You are taking Chaos Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: ultimatum_chaos_degenzone
You are taking Chaos Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: ultimatum_chaos_degenzone2
You are taking significantly more Chaos Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: ultimatum_chaos_degenzone3
BuffVisuals id(s): trialmaster_tether_display, ultimatum_heart_debuff
You are tethered by a chain. Moving too far will slow you, and eventually break the chain. Breaking the chain will cause damage and stun you.
BuffDefinitions id: trialmaster_tether_debuff_display
You are taking increased damage
BuffDefinitions id: ultimatum_heart_damage_taken
BuffVisuals id(s): divine_cry, divine_cry_buff_celestial, divine_cry_buff_wolf
Your attack damage is affected by increases and reductions to spell damage, and your critical strike chance is increased.
BuffDefinitions id: divine_cry
BuffVisuals id(s): executioner_stolen_mod
You have taken a modifier from a slain Rare Monster.
BuffDefinitions id: executioner_stolen_mod_buff
Cleave has Culling Strike, a larger Area of Effect and deals more Damage against Enemies that are on Low Life.
BuffDefinitions id: vaal_cleave_executioner_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): void_burst
Voltaxic Burst will deal damage in a nova when this expires.
BuffDefinitions id: voidburst_delayed_explosion
BuffVisuals id(s): trauma
Your Boneshatter skill is more powerful.
BuffDefinitions id: trauma
BuffVisuals id(s): ambush_stealth
Your next Melee Attack will be exerted by Ambush
BuffDefinitions id: vanishing_ambush
BuffVisuals id(s): expedition_uhtred_reduced_maximum_cold_resistance
You have lowered Maximum Cold Resistance
BuffDefinitions id: expedition_uhtred_reduced_maximum_cold_resistance
BuffVisuals id(s): expedition_uhtred_reduced_action_speed
You have reduced Action Speed
BuffDefinitions id: expedition_uhtred_reduced_action_speed
You have reduced Action Speed.
BuffDefinitions id: sanctum_reaper_laser_slow
BuffVisuals id(s): expedition_death_geas
You take increased damage from Hits and Ailments.
BuffDefinitions id: expedition_death_geas
You have -5000 to total Armour and -1000 to total Evasion Rating per Corrosion.
BuffDefinitions id: corrosion
BuffVisuals id(s): expedition_vorana_storm, sanctum_vortex_degen, voodoo_king_platform_debuff
You are taking Physical Damage over Time from Vorana's most renowned ability
BuffDefinitions id: expedition_vorana_storm
You are taking Chaos Damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: sanctum_vortex_degen
You take increased damage for each stack of Portent Vapors
BuffDefinitions id: voodoo_king_platform_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): olroth_righteous_fire, orloth_relic_ground_burn
You are taking burning damage from being near an enemy using Righteous Fire
BuffTemplates id: ExpeditionOlrothRighteousFire
buff id: righteous_fire_aura
You are taking Cold Damage over time and being Slowed
BuffDefinitions id: olroth_relic_ground_burn
BuffVisuals id(s): olroth_ground_sap
You have less Movement Speed, and cannot Recover Life or Energy Shield
BuffDefinitions id: olroth_ground_sap
BuffVisuals id(s): olroth_impaled
You cannot move
BuffDefinitions id: stuck_stabbed
BuffVisuals id(s): hellscape_debuff
For each Stack: Scourge Monsters deal 1% more Damage to you with Hits and Ailments 2% more Quantity of Items found from Scourge Monsters 2% more Rarity of Items found from Scourge Monsters 0.5% more Corruption absorbed by items in your Blood Crucible
BuffDefinitions id: hellscape_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): chronomancer
You can turn back time.
BuffDefinitions id: chronomancer
BuffVisuals id(s): Sanctum_chronomancer
The boss is about to rewind you
BuffDefinitions id: sanctum_chronomancer
BuffVisuals id(s): hellscape_stabby_web
You have reduced Action Speed and take Increased Damage
BuffDefinitions id: hellscape_stabby_web
BuffVisuals id(s): storm_blade
You have less energy shield while your weapons are Energy Blades.
BuffDefinitions id: storm_blade
BuffVisuals id(s): soul_link_source, soul_link_target
Your Energy Shield also protects the linked target from some of the damage they would take from hits.
BuffDefinitions id: soul_link_source
Some of the damage from hits dealt to you will instead be taken from the Energy Shield of this link's source.
BuffDefinitions id: soul_link_target
BuffVisuals id(s): flame_link_source, flame_link_target
You are giving the target of this link additional Fire Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: flame_link_source
You have additional Fire Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: flame_link_target
BuffVisuals id(s): remora_link_source, remora_link_target
[DNT] Your maximum total recovery per second from life leech is higher, and is copied to the linked target. The linked target recovers from your life leech instead of you.
BuffDefinitions id: remora_link_source
[DNT] You get the recovery when the link's source leeches life.
BuffDefinitions id: remora_link_target
BuffVisuals id(s): bulwark_link_source, bulwark_link_target
You are sharing your chance to block attacks with the linked target.
BuffDefinitions id: bulwark_link_source
You recover life on block and your chance to block attacks is equal to the link source.
BuffDefinitions id: bulwark_link_target
BuffVisuals id(s): trigger_link_source, trigger_link_target
You can trigger spells from the linked target's hits.
BuffDefinitions id: trigger_link_source
Your hits trigger the link's source's spells.
BuffDefinitions id: trigger_link_target
BuffVisuals id(s): critical_link_source, critical_link_target
You are sharing your critical strike chance with the linked target.
BuffDefinitions id: critical_link_source
You have additional critical strike multiplier, and use the link's source's critical strike chance for main hand hits.
BuffDefinitions id: critical_link_target
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_poison_immunity
All Poison has been removed from you, and you cannot be Poisoned.
BuffDefinitions id: utility_charm_poison_immunity
BuffVisuals id(s): hellscape_demon_screech
You take Increased Physical Damage
BuffDefinitions id: hellscape_demon_screech
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_hinder_immunity
All Hinder has been removed from you, and you cannot be Hindered.
BuffDefinitions id: hinder_immunity
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_maim_immunity
All Maim has been removed from you, and you cannot be Maimed.
BuffDefinitions id: maim_immunity
All Daze has been removed from you, and you cannot be Dazed.
BuffDefinitions id: daze_immunity
All Armour has been repaired on you, and your Armour is Indestructible.
BuffDefinitions id: armour_break_immunity
BuffVisuals id(s): flask_extra_life_recovery
You are recovering additional life from a Flask.
BuffDefinitions id: additional_life_recovery_from_flask_mod
You are recovering all your Life, Mana, and Energy Shield.
BuffDefinitions id: player_recovery
BuffVisuals id(s): puresteel_banner_max_fortification
You have additional maximum Fortification.
BuffDefinitions id: puresteel_banner_max_fortification
BuffVisuals id(s): hellscape_tentacle_grab, palehulk_tentacle_grab
You are being heavily slowed by Ghorr's hooked tentacles
BuffDefinitions id: hellscape_tentacle_grab
BuffVisuals id(s): trickster_no_dot_taken
You are taking no damage over time from any source.
BuffDefinitions id: trickster_no_dot_taken
BuffVisuals id(s): covered_in_frost, covered_in_frost_polaric_devastation_mtx
You Critical Strike chance is lowered and you take Increased Cold Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: cover_in_frost
BuffVisuals id(s): monster_mod_flask_drain
Your flask and charm charges are being drained over time and you cannot gain flask or charm charges
BuffDefinitions id: monster_flask_drain_aura
You are losing Flask Charges over time and you cannot gain Flask Charges.
BuffDefinitions id: generic_flask_drain
BuffVisuals id(s): archnemesis_time_bubble
You have severely lowered action speed and your cooldowns take longer to recover. Negative effects on you take longer to expire
BuffDefinitions id: archnemesis_time_bubble
BuffVisuals id(s): monster_mod_mana_siphoner
You are taking Lightning Damage over time and having Mana drained. You cannot recover Mana
BuffDefinitions id: monster_mod_mana_siphoner
BuffVisuals id(s): archnemesis_voodoo_doll_debuff
You are bonded to a nearby Effigy. Damage from hits dealt to the Effigy is also reflected to you. Move away from the Effigy to break the bond
BuffDefinitions id: archnemesis_voodoo_doll_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): monster_mod_rejuvenation_debuff
You have 60% reduced Recovery rate of Life and Energy Shield
BuffDefinitions id: monster_mod_rejuvenation_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): monster_mod_glacial_prison
Travel skills are disabled while in the Ice Prison
BuffDefinitions id: monster_mod_glacial_prison
BuffVisuals id(s): infinite_hunger_drowning_debuff
You are being slowed and suffocated by grasping bile.
BuffDefinitions id: infinite_hunger_drowning_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): tangle_tentacle_orb_zapped, tangle_tentacle_orb_touch, eater_of_worlds_laser
You are taking Lightning Damage over time, but your Action Speed is increased
BuffDefinitions id: tangle_tentacle_orb_zapped
You take increased Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: eater_of_worlds_laser
BuffVisuals id(s): tangle_drowning
You are drowning and will die soon
BuffDefinitions id: tangle_drowning
BuffVisuals id(s): extinguish
You cannot inflict elemental ailments.
BuffDefinitions id: extinguished
BuffVisuals id(s): cleansing_fire_snake_debuff
You are taking Fire Damage and cannot recover Life or Energy Shield.
BuffDefinitions id: cleansing_fire_snake_debuff
You have lower maximum Fire Resistance and your Travel Skills have less Cooldown Recovery Speed
BuffDefinitions id: cleansing_fire_snake_secondary_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): player_tainted_frenzy
Your Frenzy Charges have been Tainted
BuffDefinitions id: player_tainted_frenzy
BuffVisuals id(s): player_tainted_endurance
Your Power Charges have been Tainted
BuffDefinitions id: player_tainted_endurance
BuffVisuals id(s): player_tainted_power
Your Endurance Charges have been Tainted
BuffDefinitions id: player_tainted_power
BuffVisuals id(s): infinite_hunger_corrosion
You have -1% Physical Damage Reduction and -1% to Chance to Evade per Corrosive Hunger.
BuffDefinitions id: infinite_hunger_corrosion
BuffVisuals id(s): wrath_of_the_cosmos_debuff
You take 25% increased Damage from Enemies for each stack of Wrath of the Cosmos
BuffDefinitions id: cleansing_fire_altar_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): galvanic_field_bonus, galvanic_field_bonus_celestial, galvanic_field_bonus_automaton
You have additional chance to shock. Shocking an enemy will create a Galvanic Field.
BuffDefinitions id: galvanic_field_bonus
BuffVisuals id(s): alternating_buff_trickster_heartstopper_hit_damage
You are taking 30% less damage from hits.
BuffDefinitions id: trickster_alternating_less_hit_damage
BuffVisuals id(s): alternating_buff_trickster_heartstopper_dot_damage
You are taking 30% less damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: trickster_alternating_less_dot_damage
BuffVisuals id(s): trickser_one_step_ahead_action_speed_maximum
BuffVisuals id(s): shrine_brineking
You cannot be Chilled, Frozen or Stunned. You take some Physical Damage as Cold Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_brineking
BuffVisuals id(s): shrine_lunaris, cleric_revive_minion_visuals
You have increased Cold Damage, your skills chain additional times, you fire additional Projectiles, and you always avoid Projectiles.
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_lunaris
BuffVisuals id(s): shrine_solaris
You have increased Fire Damage, always critically strike, take no extra damage from critical strikes and avoid all Elemental Ailments.
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_solaris
BuffVisuals id(s): shrine_arakaali
You have increased Chaos Damage, gain some Physical and Elemental Damage as Extra Chaos Damage and take reduced damage from Damage Over Time.
BuffDefinitions id: shrine_arakaali
BuffVisuals id(s): torment_touched_player
You have been touched by a Tormented Spirit
BuffDefinitions id: torment_touched_player
BuffVisuals id(s): ancestral_protector_self_buff
You have more Attack Speed.
BuffDefinitions id: melee_ancestor_totem_attack_speed
BuffVisuals id(s): ancestral_warchief_self_buff
You deal more Melee Damage.
BuffDefinitions id: slam_ancestor_totem_melee_damage
BuffVisuals id(s): earthbreaker_support_self_buff
You have increased Area of Effect with Melee Skills.
BuffDefinitions id: support_ancestor_slam_totem_melee_skill_area
BuffVisuals id(s): sanctum_assassins_blade
Instantly kill non-Boss Monsters on Hit
BuffDefinitions id: kill_sanctum_guards_on_hit
BuffVisuals id(s): sanctum_silver_descry
Ignore the first Damage taken from an Enemy Hit
BuffDefinitions id: block_sanctum_hit_damage
BuffVisuals id(s): vaal_arctic_armour_secondary, vaal_arctic_armour_secondary_stormcloud
Grants Mana and Energy Shield Regeneration
BuffDefinitions id: vaal_arctic_armour_secondary_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): support_momentum_active
BuffVisuals id(s): champion_ascendancy_nearby_allies_fortification
[DNT] You have Fortification from a nearby Champion
BuffDefinitions id: champion_ascendancy_nearby_allies_fortification
BuffVisuals id(s): spear_sandstorm
You are in a Sandstorm, reducing your movement speed and blinding you.
BuffDefinitions id: spear_sandstorm
BuffVisuals id(s): pitiful_fabrication_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): cave_dweller_bleeding_ears
Your attack and cast speeds are lowered.
BuffDefinitions id: cave_dweller_bleeding_ears
BuffVisuals id(s): mutant_bird_boss_vomit, trialmaster_slow_ground
You are taking Physical Damage over time
Your movement speed is reduced while standing on Unstable Ground
BuffVisuals id(s): guard_flask_damage_absorption
All damage from [HitDamage|Hits] is taken from this buff before your Life or [EnergyShield|Energy Shield].
BuffDefinitions id: guard_flask_damage_absorption
BuffVisuals id(s): rapid_shot_buff
Rapid Shot and Grenade Skills [Gain] [Fire] damage
BuffDefinitions id: rapid_shot_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): quarterstaff_storm_strike
BuffVisuals id(s): mana_tempest, mana_tempest_linger
You are within a Mana Tempest. Your spells are empowered with lightning damage.
BuffDefinitions id: mana_tempest_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): howl_buff
[DNT] You are empowered by the Wolf's Howl
BuffDefinitions id: howl_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): shattering_palm_debuff
BuffDefinitions id: shattering_palm_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): ground_sulphite, fountain_statue_goop
You are taking Lightning and Chaos Damage over time
You are taking lightning and chaos damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: ground_sulphite
[DNT] You are taking lightning and chaos damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: fountain_statue_goop
BuffVisuals id(s): invocation, barrier_invocation_reserve, elemental_invocation_reserve, melee_kill_invocation_reserve
BuffDefinitions id: invocation
You gain Energy when your Energy Shield is damaged. Stored Energy can be consumed to trigger Spells socketed in Barrier Invocation.
BuffDefinitions id: barrier_invocation_reserve
BuffDefinitions id: elemental_invocation_reserve
BuffVisuals id(s): channelled_slam_stages
You are channelling Supercharged Slam.
BuffDefinitions id: channelled_slam_stage_display
BuffVisuals id(s): armour_break_tracker
You have lost a portion of your armour.
BuffDefinitions id: armour_break_tracker
BuffVisuals id(s): armour_broken
Debuff negates all [Armour]
BuffDefinitions id: broken_armour_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): barrier_invocation_ready, elemental_invocation_ready, melee_kill_invocation_ready
BuffVisuals id(s): shroud_breakout_phys
BuffVisuals id(s): covered_in_oil
Movement speed [Slow|Slowed] and inflicted with [Exposure|Fire Exposure]. [IgnitedGround|Ignited Ground] or [Detonator] Skills are guaranteed to [Ignite].
BuffDefinitions id: covered_in_oil
BuffVisuals id(s): covered_in_burning_oil
BuffVisuals id(s): hag_curse_debuff
Nearby corpses unleash their soul towards you.
BuffDefinitions id: hag_curse_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): wind_palm_buff
Your [Quarterstaff] and [Unarmed] [Attack|Attacks] fire [Projectile|Projectiles]
BuffDefinitions id: wind_palm_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): detonating_arrow_stages
You are gaining stages by channelling the Detonating Arrow skill.
BuffDefinitions id: detonating_arrow_stages
BuffVisuals id(s): igneous_shield_charged, igneous_shield_cooldown
BuffVisuals id(s): azmeri_swamp_ground
Your movement speed is reduced while standing in the Viscous Swamp.
BuffDefinitions id: azmeri_swamp_ground
BuffVisuals id(s): queen_of_filth_life_curse
Your flesh has been tainted. You reserve life equal to the upfront cost of skills.
BuffDefinitions id: queen_of_filth_life_curse
BuffVisuals id(s): queen_of_filth_mana_curse
Your soul has been tainted. You reserve mana equal to the upfront cost of skills.
BuffDefinitions id: queen_of_filth_mana_curse
BuffVisuals id(s): queen_of_filth_life_reservation
Your life has been reserved as a result of using skills while under the effect of Tainting Flesh.
BuffDefinitions id: queen_of_life_filth_reservation
BuffVisuals id(s): queen_of_filth_mana_reservation
Your mana has been reserved as a result of using skills while under the effect of Tainting Soul.
BuffDefinitions id: queen_of_mana_filth_reservation
BuffVisuals id(s): tempest_bell_combo_stack
[Not Displayed] Quarterstaff [Strike|Strikes] build Combo. Tempest Bell can be used at five Combo.
BuffDefinitions id: tempest_bell_combo_tracker
BuffVisuals id(s): wind_dancer_stage
You have more [Evasion] until hit
BuffDefinitions id: wind_dancer_stage
BuffVisuals id(s): voodoo_king_death_effigy_multiplying_curse
You are taking ever-increasing Physical Damage per stack of Shadow Surge.
BuffDefinitions id: voodoo_king_death_effigy_multiplying_curse
BuffVisuals id(s): voodoo_king_punishment_moving
Stop moving or you will be imprisoned.
BuffDefinitions id: voodoo_king_punishment_moving
BuffVisuals id(s): voodoo_king_punishment_stationary
Keep moving or you will be imprisoned.
BuffDefinitions id: voodoo_king_punishment_stationary
BuffVisuals id(s): pausing_disabled_display_buff
[DNT] Pausing is disabled during this Boss' Skill.
BuffDefinitions id: pausing_disabled_display_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): voodoo_king_plant_slow
Enemies are Slowed
BuffDefinitions id: voodoo_king_plant_slow
BuffVisuals id(s): voodoo_king_maze_debuff
You are taking Physical and Chaos Damage while standing in the Branching Affliction.
BuffDefinitions id: voodoo_king_maze_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): voodoo_king_death_aura_effigy
You are taking Cold and Chaos Damage over time while standing in the Mystic Miasma.
BuffDefinitions id: voodoo_king_death_aura_effigy
BuffVisuals id(s): bone_spear_impaled
Attacks against you deal additional Physical Damage, removing a stack.
BuffDefinitions id: bone_spear_impaled
BuffVisuals id(s): minion_revive_timer
Your Persistent Minions will be revived when this timer ends
BuffDefinitions id: minion_resummon_timer
BuffVisuals id(s): scavenged_plating_stack
Has [Thorns] and more [Armour]
BuffDefinitions id: scavenged_plating_stack
BuffVisuals id(s): critical_weakness
Hits against you have additional Critical Hit Chance.
BuffDefinitions id: critical_weakness
BuffVisuals id(s): vaal_sun_worshipper_black_hole_suck
Your Movement Speed is reduced due to being in range of the black hole. The Movement Speed reduction is stronger the closer you are.
BuffDefinitions id: vaal_sun_worshipper_black_hole_suck
BuffVisuals id(s): lost_focus
This Enemy has lost focus, reducing their cooldown recovery
BuffDefinitions id: lost_focus
BuffVisuals id(s): carver_bog_landmark_buff
You have increased Fire Resistance and item rarity
BuffDefinitions id: carver_bog_landmark_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): dazed_build_up
BuffDefinitions id: daze_build_up
BuffVisuals id(s): dazed
Debuff inflicts 50% more [Stun] buildup
BuffDefinitions id: dazed
BuffVisuals id(s): viper_legionnaire_claw_hook
You are slowed while a Viper Legionnaire has you hooked
BuffDefinitions id: viper_legionnaire_claw_hook
BuffVisuals id(s): ailment_bearer_charge, ailment_bearer
You are accumulating Unbound Fury. Once you reach 100 Unbound Fury, you can consume it to become Unbound.
BuffDefinitions id: ailment_bearer_activation_buff
While Unbound, you deal more Elemental Damage, have more Elemental Ailment Buildup and more chance to inflict Elemental Ailments.
BuffDefinitions id: ailment_bearer_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): doryani_corrupted_lightning_dot
You are taking Lightning Damage over time
BuffDefinitions id: doryani_corrupted_lightning_dot
BuffVisuals id(s): vine_arrow
Movement Speed [Slow|Slowed] and taking [Chaos] damage over time.
BuffDefinitions id: vine_arrow_vine_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): mantra_of_destruction
BuffDefinitions id: mantra_of_destruction
BuffVisuals id(s): time_stop_debuff
Time has been Frozen for you
BuffDefinitions id: time_stop_debuff
BuffVisuals id(s): chronomancer_slow
BuffDefinitions id: chronomancer_aura_slow
BuffVisuals id(s): chronomancer_cast_speed
You have 50% more Cast Speed.
BuffDefinitions id: chronomancer_temporary_cast_speed
BuffVisuals id(s): purple_breach_flame, breach_waking_nightmare
Gain Damage as [Chaos] Damage per stack.
BuffDefinitions id: purple_breach_flame_buff
You take 10% increased Damage and have 10% reduced Light Radius for 10 seconds per stack
BuffDefinitions id: breach_waking_nightmare
BuffVisuals id(s): elemental_conflux_fire
You deal more Fire Damage
BuffDefinitions id: elemental_conflux_active_fire
BuffVisuals id(s): elemental_conflux_lightning
You deal more Lightning Damage
BuffDefinitions id: elemental_conflux_active_lightning
BuffVisuals id(s): elemental_conflux_cold
You deal more Cold Damage
BuffDefinitions id: elemental_conflux_active_cold
BuffVisuals id(s): support_blood_fountain_aura
You are regenerating Life while nearby a Font of Blood
BuffDefinitions id: support_blood_fountain_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): support_mana_fountain_aura
You have increased Mana Regeneration while nearby a Font of Mana
BuffDefinitions id: support_mana_fountain_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): support_rage_fountain_aura
You are regenerating [Rage] while nearby a Font of Rage
BuffDefinitions id: support_rage_fountain_aura
BuffVisuals id(s): time_of_need_buff_visual
You are receiving periodic Blessings, which heal you and remove Curses and Ailments from you
BuffDefinitions id: time_of_need_reservation
BuffVisuals id(s): Sanctum_frozen
Cannot move or take actions
BuffDefinitions id: Sanctum_frozen
BuffVisuals id(s): demon_form_buff
You are transformed by Demonic power. You lose Life every second per stack of Demonflame.
BuffDefinitions id: demon_form_buff
BuffVisuals id(s): infernalist_all_damage_can_ignite
An Infernalist is granting you all your Damage [Contributes|contributes] to [Ignite|Ignite] Chance and Magnitude
BuffDefinitions id: infernalist_all_damage_can_ignite
BuffVisuals id(s): infernalist_non_skill_base_all_damage_%_to_gain_as_fire
An Infernalist is granting you [Gain|gain] 20% of Damage as [Fire|Fire Damage]
BuffDefinitions id: infernalist_non_skill_base_all_damage_%_to_gain_as_fire
BuffVisuals id(s): jade_stack
Grants 1% additional Physical Damage Reduction per stack. Maximum of 10 Jade stacks. A stack of Jade is lost when you take Physical Damage from a [HitDamage|Hit].
BuffDefinitions id: jade_stacks
BuffVisuals id(s): encased_in_jade
All Damage from [HitDamage|Hits] is taken from this [Buff] before your Life or [EnergyShield|Energy Shield].
BuffDefinitions id: encased_in_jade_guard
BuffVisuals id(s): power_offering_infusion
You deal more [Spell] damage
BuffDefinitions id: infusion
BuffVisuals id(s): ultimatum_holding_soul_core
Return this to a Stone Altar. You are taking escalating Physical Damage over Time.
BuffDefinitions id: ultimatum_holding_soul_core
BuffVisuals id(s): ascendancy_tortoise_paua
You have 50% increased [Defences] and 25% increased [Block] chance
BuffDefinitions id: ascendancy_tortoise_paua
BuffVisuals id(s): ascendancy_warcaller_speed
You gain 5 [Rage] on Hit with [Attack|Attacks] and have 10% increased [SkillSpeed|Skill Speed]
BuffDefinitions id: ascendancy_warcaller_rage